ADM and Whiteboard Videos

January 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement ADM and Whiteboard Videos

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    24. “This ADM asks the AV Committee to look into the costs and potential format and content of a ‘whiteboard’ (or similar style) of video, commissioned from an outside agency.” 

    Is the  Audio Visual committee making any progress on this? I think this is a great idea, however having looked into it  myself I can't see why we need to use outside agencies.  I have obtained a copy of 'video scribe' and it is not difficult to use.

    I am willing to work with the AV Committee to come up with some samples for the 'party' to consider.

    THis is a simple sample I came up with after a few hours work: 

    If the AV committee produced a 'story board' I will give it a go. If not good enough then we could pay someone to do it. A Win Win situation.

    Vin wrote:
    This is a simple sample I came up with after a few hours work: the AV committee produced a 'story board' I will give it a go. If not good enough then we could pay someone to do it. A Win Win situation.

    This is a very encouraging development and something for which you should be congratulated.  I'm not disclosing any secrets by revealing that, prior to the publication of our minutes, Kent and Sussex Branch yesterday agreed to nominate you, Tim and a member of Brighton group to the 2017 Audio-Visual committee.


    Thanks!Third time lucky, perhaps   

    Vin wrote:
    This is a simple sample I came up with after a few hours work:

    I actually like that one. I even nicked it for my Facebook pages. :-)The simpler the better for me. I am not so keen on your other 'Lennonist' ones. The soundtrack does my nut in. The images, especially the kids, too heart breaking, oppressive and negative. There is plenty of that kind of image bombarding us on TV.I prefer a positive forward looking, 'we are the future' type message.


    Thanks for the positive comment and contribution, Matt. Appreciated. 


    I am confident that every Party member and visitor on the Forum  will join me congratulating you on your tireless and admirable efforts to spread the socialist message both here and internationally via Youtube and will deeply appreciate your willingness to work with the AV Committee but didn't you promise us you were going to resign?


    To those who voted for Whiteboard Animation at ADM it would be helpful to add your contribution soon before the thread is overtaken by trolls.


    Perhaps something along these lines could be embedded on this site, blogs etc  to advertise the Standard each month?


    Just  a few thoughts. I am not any kind of expert. Stuck in early HTM mode me.The website is being remodelled anyway, as we speak. Sometime in the New Year. You'll see that on the front page we have live feeds into blogs which update all the time. I think we have to bear in mind upload times etc with too much content being fed onto the pages as they upload. You'll no doubt have experiencd this when clicking onto popular sites with too much content (usually bloody ads.) being fed in, as you get 'screen freeze' moments. Individual stuff uploads quickly but a number of accumulative ones can slow things down, maybe not too much but worth considering.Certainly white boards seem less memory gluttons than other stuff.However  your comments will no doubt be considered in, 'to do' lists for our tech savvy backroom bods. -)

    Matt wrote:
    You'll no doubt have experiencd this when clicking onto popular sites with too much content (usually bloody ads.) being fed in, as you get 'screen freeze' moments

    Nothing more off-putting


    Here is something that Norman Burns did in HTM. It is not a whiteboard but a site in its own right but I like it.


    I wonder if Norman would like to join the Audio-Visual Commttee?


    You can only ask. When I saw the site he did, I though of Vin's whiteboard stuff and the possible idea of getting simple but direct material together in some combination, but if we had sevral comrades inputting and cooperating together this could be swell.

    Matt wrote:
    The website is being remodelled anyway, as we speak. Sometime in the New Year. You'll see that on the front page we have live feeds into blogs which update all the time

    Which "blogs" are you referring too. If it's going to look like the front page of the WSM site here: don't think this would be the best use of our front page. What's wrong  with thee present one highlighting articles from the Standard?  Also, the SOYMB isn't as careful over the copyright of images as the Standard — and the editorial committee often sends article we don't consider appropriate for the Standard to the blog which doesn't require such strict editing.


    Alb, We can use our own material with whiteboard  Animation. Produce our own drawings etc. You simply import the sketches and the software draws them from scratch.The animation above includes a sketch of Marx and it would be better if  the sketches were our own. Do  we have a comrade good at doing sketches, I wonder?

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