A Scottish "General Election"

September 2024 Forums General discussion A Scottish "General Election"

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  • #192200

    Being suggested as a Plan B if a second referendum is refused

    SNP’s 48 MPs could resign their seats forcing by-elections across ­Scotland  to establish a mandate for ­independence.



    Clever tactic Alan but would it work and how would it work?  I’m constantly reminded of the situation here in Spain with Catalonia.  Unless the central state assents to a referendum of some sort, its legal status will be questioned


    In Scottish local politics, independence will still be debated regardless of the going-ons down in Westminster.

    My disappointment is that with the present condition of our Party in Scotland, our voice simply is not loud enough to be heard.

    Our focus should be on world politics, not parochial separatism,  i.e. 2020 COP26 in Glasgow


    (copied and pasted and patched together from various Socialist Standard articles)



    I understand Glasgow branch will be doing something at COP26.   I hope they combine their efforts with a sort of social weekend or whatever along the lines of Yealand that Lancaster branch organised so as to encourage more members and sympathisers south of the border to attend


    “If the nationalists succeed in that vote, then an SNP-led departure of Scotland from the Union will be a knife to the heart of social democracy in the United Kingdom. Labour lost its “red wall” north of the border after the Blair–Brown years, but the SNP’s hegemony has been built on its transformation from an insurgent nationalist party to a mature social-democratic one, replacing Labour as the guardian of the health service and the public good; in pre-election polling this month, Labour’s vote in Scotland had all but collapsed to percentages in the mid-teens. The breakup of the Union would entail the removal of Scotland’s seats from the Westminster Parliament. That represents a huge new obstacle to Labour, forced thence to compete as essentially an English and Welsh party, without even the possibility of a social-democratic coalition with the SNP.”



    If the above analysis is correct this will intensify efforts within what will become an “essentially an English and Welsh” Labour party to move to the right nd capture the central ground. The problem is the Party machinery is still effectively  in the hands of the Left who might double down on their agenda in the belief that fundamentally it is a politically popular one and that it was only because of the Brexit question that the Party came unstuck in a big way.   According to this argument,  a Johnson government is unlikely to survive  after the next 5 years, when Brexit will have been a distant memory and the issues which the Labour Party so desperately wanted to focus on instead in 2019 will come into focus in a much more prominent way in 2024 without the distraction of Brexit.


    There are thus different forces at work pulling or pushing the party in different directions.   Which one will come to prevail only time when tell





    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by robbo203.

    What are the chances of Northern Island likewise breaking away from  a (very dis)United Kingdom, post Brexit?


    No photo description available.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by PartisanZ.


    Oh dear, here we go again.   Look what happened with Catalonian nationalism



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