A revolutionary reformist party manifesto?

July 2024 Forums General discussion A revolutionary reformist party manifesto?

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    Came across this article that i thought might form the basis of a very different election campaign by the Party. 

    activist group Two-Tailed Dog, a party originally 

    launched as political satire that put pooches up as candidates, with manifestos promising free beer and eternal life to mock empty promises.

    Couldn't we perhaps do a similar approach to complement our more serious campaigning? 

    A spoof election campaign offering unimaginable and totally unrealistic and unattainable reforms to the voters. Ever-lasting life sounds like a good vote-catcher to me. Surely we can trust fellow-workers to understand the joke or do we need to explain it…if so then as comedians say-  it cannot be funny if it needs explaining. 


    As a side issue on referendum, it makes a good case for abstention if there is a participation clause. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    A spoof election campaign offering unimaginable and totally unrealistic and unattainable reforms to the voters.

    The Monster Raving Loony Party does this already. So of course do the Trotskyists even if in their case it's not supposed to be a spoof. I can't see any mileage in us moving onto this terrain.PS Just realised. Your post is a spoof too.


    The combination of revolutionary and reformist does not sound appropriate.  I think that we are doing what we must do at present time, taking that turn into reformism is not a good solution. There are thousands of so called socialist and communist parties doing the same


    Lafargue wrote a pamphlet – the "Right to be Lazy"…An American situationist inspired group wrote a manifesto the "Right to Greedy" – both hyperbolic titles aimed at drawing attention to what is possible and the potentials of a socialist society. The "Right to Ever-Lasting Life"…a statement that enormous gains in longevity is possible with socialism…Why settle for early death? Why should an extended life be the privilege of only royalty and the rich? Is this a sign of my own advancing years and mortality? 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The "Right to Ever-Lasting Life"…a statement that enormous gains in longevity is possible with socialism…

    After the Monster Raving Loony Party, the Jehovah Witness Socialist Party. Here's what the JW's promise:

    Picture a time when there will be no such thing as poverty, malnutrition, famine, or welfare systems.

    So far, so good, but

    Can you picture that time? No more funerals, no more cemeteries, no more tears of grief !

    Not a bad spoof, Alan.


    Reminds me very much of Richard Montague's story "The General Immunity Serum"Which can be read here. http://mailstrom.blogspot.com/2015/02/general-immunity-serum-short-story.htmlAnd, of course, Pieter Lawrence's book the Final Conflict with its tale of power-politics, economics and earth-colliding comets.Another spoof leaflet can be made of that book.."The end of the world is nigh.".."we are all doomed" …unless we are saved by socialism…the SPGB as the saviours of the planet…the Elected of the world, so to speak..Is there an argument for recruiting on the case similar to the JW and early christian eschatology and the coming apocalyse? Richard's book https://www.amazon.com/Within-System-Richard-Montague/dp/1412011191Pieters book https://www.amazon.com/Last-Conflict-Pieter-Lawrence/dp/1419647970


    Have you finally gone round the bend?


    hmmmm…??Members of the Jehovah Witnesses – 8 millionWSM members – 500What do they say about the devil always has the best songs…and perhaps the better campaigning message?We could try the SPGB loves you approach 


    Well join the Jehovah’s Witnesses if their campaigning—a purely capitalist electoral issue—is so superior.  Follow the leader….

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