A going away message from the Pope

September 2024 Forums General discussion A going away message from the Pope

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    As always, while quite progressive on some issues, the catholic church are still generally in the Middle Ages 


    Ashes of cremated Catholics can no longer be kept at home, scattered, or divided among family members, the Vatican has ruled. “It is not permitted to scatter the ashes of the faithful departed in the air, on land, at sea or in some other way, nor may they be preserved in mementos, pieces of jewellery or other objects,” the instruction said.

    The new instruction, handed down from the top of the Catholic Church, said ashes must instead be kept in “sacred places” such as cemeteries. It also stressed that it preferred burial to cremation, saying it was the most “fitting way to express faith”.

    “We come from the earth and we shall return to the earth,” Cardinal Müller said, re-affirming the church’s preference for burials. “In memory of the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord, burial is the most appropriate way to express our faith and hope in bodily resurrection,” he said.

    So any lapsed Catholics among you, the family won't be able to get the blessing of the parish priest for your cremated remains to join the fag ash and fertilise the flower-pots in No.52s back-yard, unfortunately.sad

    From ajjohnstone…moderator 2 



    Dave B

    You sort of wonder how things panned out for Saint Lawrence of Rome , the patron saint of chefs and comedians when he was barbecued. There doesn’t appear to any details as to what happened to the ashes, or charcoal.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_of_Rome As we all know of course the standard theological basis of ‘the bodily resurrection’ or to quote the mantra “giving them back the bodies they lost at death”, is justified from Saint Pauls 1 Cor. 15. I am not going to provide the quotations for in the hope of encouraging the otherwise lazy bible readers. But it a considerable over-read to infer from that that you are going to end up looking like you did when you popped your clogs. Maybe Saint Lawrence is up there looking like a piece of burnt Asda chicken breast?  Saint Paul is interesting in the sense that there is practically nothing in his stuff that suggested any awareness of the ideological content of gospels. And I think certainly given the time it was supposed to have been written there was plenty to sink your teeth into or prattle on about. Ironically perhaps one of the few interesting details he did provide is an anathema to the catholics ie that he had met and talked with Saint James who he said was JC’s brother. They have done computer pattern analysis on the ‘Greek’ writings of Paul and decided that some of it was not written by him or all of it was not written by the same person etc. Can’t remember which is contested but can pull it out if required. It has even been accepted by some of the more intelligent bible bashes who counter it with the ‘secretarial thesis’ ie he just drafted or dictated stuff to be written up by someone else. Although most of it hangs together as probably authored by the same person. He was allegedly decapitated as a luxury capital punishment reserved for the ruling class and a citizen of Rome. You had to have, as a Turkish ‘Jew’, loads of lolly to buy your way into that club.

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