A call to war

July 2024 Forums General discussion A call to war

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  • #83174

    i was somewhat unsettled to read this opinion piece  published in the Washington Post…one of the more "respected" newpapers in America…by a "respected" think-tank…from a "respected" university….i decline to call the writer "respected" because i certain don't possess any respect for him after reading it.  


    It openly calls for the US to attack Iran and if they retaliate to simply escalate the attack. To give voice in such a prominent opinion-former to such a blatant war-mongering piece of journalism, suggests just how crazy and omni-potent the leading elite's of America view of itself has become. 


    If you are into conspiracy theories, the author is a member of the Project for the New America Project, held responsible for providing the ideological cover for the Iraq war…so, nope, those policy-setters have never gone away, nor learned anything from their glaring failures and the so called "liberal" press still treat them as an informed authority to learn from….doh!   


    The Washington Post is one of the most conservative publications in the US and the author is a neocon hack. I wouldn't expect any better from the likes of him. If he's so gung-ho about war will he be parachuting into Iran with the first wave of troops? Don't count on it!

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