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  • #122167
    J Surman

    Something wrong with this page – it's not moving on from 02/01/17 although it's at the head of today's posts.Anybody else finding this?

    J Surman wrote:
    Something wrong with this page – it's not moving on from 02/01/17 although it's at the head of today's posts.Anybody else finding this?

    Yes and the title has changed hasnt it?


    am writing on the Subject Body!

    J Surman wrote:
    Something wrong with this page – it's not moving on from 02/01/17 although it's at the head of today's posts.Anybody else finding this?

    The same backward and reactionary ideas under different name or title

    Osama Jafar wrote:
    am writing on the Subject Body!

     Osama. it might be better to start a new thread than change the title of an existing thread.  It gets very confusing otherwise!

    mcolome1 wrote:
    The same backward and reactionary ideas under different name or title

    how is that!

    robbo203 wrote:
    Osama Jafar wrote:
    am writing on the Subject Body!

     Osama. it might be better to start a new thread than change the title of an existing thread.  It gets very confusing otherwise!

    am rethinking! but its same points

    Osama Jafar wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    The same backward and reactionary ideas under different name or title

    how is that!

    well; if you have some sight you will find your ideology & the whole of your political realm is actually backward & reactionary & out of the line of history as stated on the Subject Body.
    and for the second time! I’m not socalist or revolutionary! i quite revolution; I’m sort of scientist and solved the plotical problem like any other problem; so not reactionary at all! (what’s reactionary? !!)

    Dave B

    What is a reactionary? That is an interesting question. A ‘progressive’ believes that there is a ‘natural’ or given a priori process of development driven ‘forward’ by something or other towards an ‘end’. Eg Darwinian evolution.  So you can go with the flow, or not like it, and react against it. Comprehending what a reactionary is, in fact usually more straightforward because it typically involves wishing to revert to a former and thus ‘known’ position. Thus in science it would involve reverting back to the;    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocentric_model#Ptolemaic_system Whilst the progressive position would be that we are moving towards, and thus, unknown positions or as yet unknown realities or ‘scientific truths’.  [with Hegel it was about the inherent pleasure of an auto-didactic demiurge]  Where has L Bird gone? http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08bzcd1 There was some good stuff in there about scientists and truth and Alice on epigentics which I dragged up a while ago. When it comes to economics etc reactionaries today for instance want to reset the socio economic clock and revert back to self employed simple commodity producing co-operatives with markets and money etc. Which according to Karl was the starting point of capitalism. A bit like turning the monopoly board over and starting again with no one owning Mayfair  and re running the game etc. Sometimes it can involve idealised ‘nostalgic’ versions of the past that have been corrupted by development and a wish to return to it be it King Arthur of the caliphate or whatever. As we did the Russsian revolution and the SR’s etc; they thought that the Russian culture even racially and congenitally was already communistic re the Mir system.  And capitalism rather than a progressive stage towards the potential for communism was decadent western deviation.  Scientist overturned platonic ‘idealism’ and adopted Democritus materialism but things go in cycles it seems. This recent stuff about observing electrons on the other side of the double slit experiment is doing my head in!

    Dave B wrote:
    What is a reactionary? That is an interesting question. A ‘progressive’ believes that there is a ‘natural’ or given a priori process of development driven ‘forward’ by something or other towards an ‘end’. Eg Darwinian evolution.  So you can go with the flow, or not like it, and react against it. Comprehending what a reactionary is, in fact usually more straightforward because it typically involves wishing to revert to a former and thus ‘known’ position. Thus in science it would involve reverting back to the;    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocentric_model#Ptolemaic_system Whilst the progressive position would be that we are moving towards, and thus, unknown positions or as yet unknown realities or ‘scientific truths’.  [with Hegel it was about the inherent pleasure of an auto-didactic demiurge]  Where has L Bird gone? http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08bzcd1 There was some good stuff in there about scientists and truth and Alice on epigentics which I dragged up a while ago. When it comes to economics etc reactionaries today for instance want to reset the socio economic clock and revert back to self employed simple commodity producing co-operatives with markets and money etc. Which according to Karl was the starting point of capitalism. A bit like turning the monopoly board over and starting again with no one owning Mayfair  and re running the game etc. Sometimes it can involve idealised ‘nostalgic’ versions of the past that have been corrupted by development and a wish to return to it be it King Arthur of the caliphate or whatever. As we did the Russsian revolution and the SR’s etc; they thought that the Russian culture even racially and congenitally was already communistic re the Mir system.  And capitalism rather than a progressive stage towards the potential for communism was decadent western deviation.  Scientist overturned platonic ‘idealism’ and adopted Democritus materialism but things go in cycles it seems. This recent stuff about observing electrons on the other side of the double slit experiment is doing my head in!

    sort of scientist not actually a scientist


    dave b
    i still don’t understand what reactionary is? ?????

    upon request this post is done, I will start new thread.

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