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  • #122156

    i think ive been misunderstood here so i will sum up here the best way i can & let this thread to whom who need it: people to achieve thier freedom from control need apuse & ignorance, and make better & complete living – they should gather thier forces in a glopal league ( world revolutionary gang) to force ending governments & establish organizations thier sole purpose is to end the need for those organizations by working on ending the need for work ignorance & so on. while in the bigening will stil be a need for money as there still jobs & privates- and that dimensh whith the dimenshing need for the organization whitch will give up its business alog with all jobs to the automated computer run world producer net. that simple!

    mcolome1 wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    I don't think reformists deserve that fate.

    Therefore, the coup of the Bolshevik, and others guerrillas coup, thy are  not reformist movement. You like to throw rocks on the windows of the SPGB, but when it comes to your windows everything is correct. It sounds like sectarianism. If she knew what socialism is, Why did she follow or fall in the sociall pressures of others peoples around her ? 

    Osama Jafar raised Luxemburg not me;

    Osama Jafar wrote:
    the only movement that was possible to achieve actual changes was that of Rosa luxemburg – and still all women social movements have that chance.

    If saying reformists don't deserve to die is 'sectarian' then I am 'sectarian'.

    Osama Jafar wrote:
    people to achieve thier freedom from control need apuse & ignorance, and make better & complete living – they should gather thier forces in a glopal league ( world revolutionary gang) to force ending governments & establish organizations thier sole purpose is to end the need for those organizations by working on ending the need for work ignorance & so on.

    But getting people to do this would be as difficult as getting them to establish (world) socialism. So why not concentrate instead on getting people to organise for socialism rather than this half-way house where you go on to say there will still be buying and selling and private ownership of means of production? In fact, why would people who had reached this stage of anti-capitalist and world consciousness want to stop half-way?

    Osama Jafar wrote:
    while in the bigening will stil be a need for money as there still jobs & privates- and that dimensh whith the dimenshing need for the organization whitch will give up its business alog with all jobs to the automated computer run world producer net. that simple!

    While computers can obviously help, we don't need to wait for the development of one to run everything (which might never happen) before we can re-organise the world on the basis of the common ownership and democratic control of its resources, with production for use and not for sale on a market (and so without the need for money).


    capitalism ‘ the system or whatever your demon & Evil is a way of thinking & you cant ban thinking but also you shouldnt formalize & legalize it. Marx was right more than you know & that exactly the problem ( more than you know ) its for revolutionary society not NORMAL society. the only movement that was possible to achieve actual changes was that of Rosa luxemburg – and still all women social movements have that chance. i support political action based on actual knowledge not fanatic dogmatism ( science is another philosiphy – crank filosofy), so there still need for action for better political state & wil be.


    Alb, once you end soveregin state you have that; & that is only a part.

    generaly, i admire SPGB’s sprit. here below my final conclusion.

    The problems and the questions facing people , and becoming urgent day in & day out its not that hard to be solve and answer when put clearly as an object for analysis in a manner like that:

    Life vs death
    Cooperation vs conflict
    social self drives vs profits employments drives
    The present vs the past
    Consouisness & knowledge vs dogma & ignorance
    Global organization(s) vs World govenment(s)
    System(s) to liberate vs authorities to control

    But Confusion, fear, stubidity & of course to be objective about one own life that what ditter people from solving these problems. But once answered verbaly its not that hard too to be solved as physical reality.

    In a plainer way : people to achieve the individual living the basic material building block for social life, should know first what make them not to, And that is: the dark ages mentality that having possession of todays Terapowers, those wimpy cowards who are in service of every destructive business, the other wimpy cowards who do not do something about it, and the general state of ignorance & pseudo consiousness that deepen day by day. All other technical evils concerning Governance & Wealth are just consequences and manifestations of this wimpy corrupted mentality.

    The what to do is not that hard neither, for people to achieve thier freedom from control need abuse & ignorance, they should gather thier forces a globaly/ territory to force ending governments & establish organizations thier sole purpose is to end the need for those organizations – not sustianing its ever existence! – to handle later its business and all its jobs to the generaly known now possible the global producer net. there no need for physical bodily gatherings for the metaphysical cyber gatherings have made it possible to force this major territory/global change.

    Side TZM.

    Osama Jafar wrote:
    Alb, once you end soveregin state you have that; & that is only a part. (….) The what to do is not that hard neither, for people to achieve thier freedom from control need abuse & ignorance, they should gather thier forces a globaly/ territory to force ending governments & establish organizations thier sole purpose is to end the need for those organizations – not sustianing its ever existence! – to handle later its business and all its jobs to the generaly known now possible the global producer net. there no need for physical bodily gatherings for the metaphysical cyber gatherings have made it possible to force this major territory/global change..

    It's a question of which comes first: ending the division of the world into states or ending capitalism (production for profit on the basis of minority ownership of the means of life)? The present division of the world into separate, competing states is a consequence of capitalism and capitalist competition and so won't disappear until capitalism does. True, it is theoretically possible to imagine capitalism with a single world State but that's not worth striving for (and, if it happened, would be a nightmare).The issue of the relation between capitalism and the division of the world into rival states is discussed in the (second) book review here:http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/socialist-standard/2010s/2016/no-1345-september-2016/book-reviews-wealth-secrets-1-nation-states-con

    at the last count the world is divided into some 194 states and statelets. Davidson discusses why in the chapter entitled ‘The Necessity for Multiple Nation-States for Capital’. The emphasis here is on ‘necessity’ as he is arguing against both the possibility of a single world capitalist state and that the world just happens to be divided into capitalist states but doesn’t have to be, positions defended by some of those he is arguing with (including SWP leader Callinicos who defends the second).His argument is that capitalism is necessarily a competitive system for profits and that states are, and have to be, just as much involved in this as capitalist enterprises:‘Capitalism is a system of competitive accumulation based on wage labor, and these two defining aspects also point to the reason for the persistence of the states system: on the one hand, the need for capitals to be territorially aggregated for competitive purposes; on the other, the need for that territory to have an ideological basis – nationalism – that can be used to bind the working class to the state and hence to capital.’

    So, to bring about the end of states you'd have to undermine nationalism in favour of a world consciousness, which will have to be done to get socialism anyway.Only on the basis of the common ownership of the Earth's resources can states (as armed centres managing the affairs of a ruling class) be abolished and replaced by unarmed purely administrative bodies. No doubt computers can play a role in this, but not decide everything (as Zeitgeist sometimes suggest) — in the end that will down to what people democratically decide.


    once you end soveregin state there no capitalism.

    am done with talking for talking & who knows more!

    Osama Jafar wrote:
    once you end soveregin state there no capitalism. [

    Not necessarily. It's more like the other way round: once you end capitalism states disappear. That's what the argument is about. Your view means concentrating on getting rid of the states into which the world is now divided. This would create a world consciousness (which would be a good thing) but not necessarily a socialist, ant-capitalist one (in an earlier post you envisaged markets and money continuing to exist after the end of sovereign states). Our analysis means concentrating on helping a world socialist consciousness to arise. As states are armed centres serving the interest of a ruling class, the end of class society will mean the end of states (and their replacement by unarmed, democratically controlled administrative centres). 

    ALB wrote:
    capitalism states disappear

    socialist, ant-capitalist

    (in an earlier post you envisaged markets and money continuing to exist after the end of sovereign states).

    SPGB version is like that: the dogmatic beaten workers take over the possessions of the conquerer liberal workers to establish world workers dictatorship which mutch worse than capitalism. ending sovergin state incompass ending one of its evils! capital – toward creation of higher society done cooperatively by all human or at least who wish to!

    i am not socialist – anti qua society.

    capitalist institutions cant be run except in capitalist way though for non profit.

    Bijou Drains
    Osama Jafar wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    capitalism states disappear socialist, ant-capitalist (in an earlier post you envisaged markets and money continuing to exist after the end of sovereign states).

    SPGB version is like that: the dogmatic beaten workers take over the possessions of the conquerer liberal workers to establish world workers dictatorship which mutch worse than capitalism. ending sovergin state incompass ending one of its evils! capital – toward creation of higher society done cooperatively by all human or at least who wish to! i am not socialist – anti qua society. capitalist institutions cant be run except in capitalist way though for non profit.

    Not even close, Bonny Lad.


    when you have an epidemic: you follow these steps: apply your known treatment find a better treatment; part of the marxist movement have done that; but generaly in terms as the liberal OR dogmatist movements – History of the dogmatist movement kept hiting the wall.
    any analysis fail to take the whole picture of The soveregin State with its all agents: Man Wealth Governance, With all its actors: owners servants & subservants. will fail to determine Actions.
    the recent history of the western civilization is a history of a GRAND ESCAPE begining with OWNERS and at last the Subservants – Masters of the global Bullshit; a worse state than that of Capitalism – but by its interinsic conditions THE GRAND ESCAPE is marching Toward balance of the weak a slow social death Draging the whole world. there is no solutions except for INDIVIDUAL solutions – there is no science in That.

    Osama Jafar wrote:
    there is no solutions except for INDIVIDUAL solutions.

    It's not clear whether this is what you are saying or whether it's what you are criticising. In any event, it's wrong. Our problems arise from society, so the solution can only be a society-wide one.







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