5G around the globe and in space

December 2024 Forums General discussion 5G around the globe and in space

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  • #195460
    J Surman

    Stop 5G on Earth and in Space: an international appeal

    I’m curious to know other people’s thoughts and depth of knowledge on this subject. I have recently brought up the subject with a number of friends and acquaintances most of whom seem to be unaware of any possible negative outcomes, including a professor of nuclear physics who denied any negatives linked to this mode of communication. The link I give I only had knowledge of today but I have read several pieces by Arthur Firstenburg fairly recently – he is mentioned in the piece.

    Of course, as with any new product, the primary goal is profit – unfortunately to hell with any negative consequences.


    The weight of evidence is that radiation from 5G does not have the dangerous effects that people like Firstenberg claim. See for instance:


    Firstenberg seems to be regarded as a crank. The list of scientists signing that petition doesn’t seem very impressive.

    The rational approach of the layperson to this sort of scientific issue is (as with climate change) to go along with the middle of the road view of the scientists in the field concerned.


    The links below shows that conspiracy theories are not just wrong or something to laugh at but can have dangerous consequences. Anti-5G conspiracists have obtained considerable publicity by saying that 5G has made the current Coronavirus epidemic worse. Fortunately this seems to have backfired with scientists coming forward not only to reject this but that 5G is harmful.




    In Mexico, they are knocking down some 5G towers because they believe that it is the one producing the Coronavirus infection, as well, they have burned some hospitals and they are violently  attacking the doctors and the  nurses

    J Surman

    First let me say that when I started this thread I hadn’t heard of the conspiracy theories which now seem to abound. However this link from today’s TruePublica gives more evidence to my wariness of  5G. I’m concerned with the capitalist way of pushing things on before taking the necessary time to check all avenues, not with conspiracy theories . The Precautionary Principle – please.


    J Surman

    5G – What’s true, what’s not and what you really need to know

    Was it the 5G effect or just an aging brain that was responsible for me forgetting to give the link?


    The “precautionary principle” is a bit of a two edge sword, since not doing something is a form of action that has its own risks and possible unseen consequences. We have to have some kind of rational way of assessing risk. As far as I understand it the mainstream scientific consensus is that 5G poses no significant risk. So in this case evoking the precautionary principle is a non starter I would have thought.


    Also learn the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. It’s the ionizing kind that is a health risk, and that’s why people are advised to not have too many X-rays. 5G works on microwave frequencies, it’s non-ionizing. Standing around in strong sunlight too long is more of a health risk.



    Another real life consequence of people mindlessly spreading this nonsense about 5G




    Where this sort of thing can lead (from yesterday’s Times):

    “Death threats over 5G

    Telecoms engineers have received death threats from people who falsely believe that the development of 5G technology is causing the spread of coronavirus. Andy Kerr, deputy general secretary of the Communications Workers Union, said that most of the engineers involved in the 120 cases of abuse were not even working on 5G. The threats follow a spate of arson attacks on masts.”

    There is an upside to this in that it has forced the media (except one airhead presenter) to give space to refuting this  mistaken view.

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