30th Anniversary of the Miners’ Strike

January 2025 Forums Events and announcements 30th Anniversary of the Miners’ Strike

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  • #83439
    The Marx Memorial Library & Workers School is holding the third of its four classes marking the 30th anniversary of the miners' strike on TUESDAY 2nd DECEMBER starting at 6.30pm held at the MML, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London, EC1R 0DU.

    Joyce Sheppard, who was active in the movement of miners' wives throughout the miners' strike of 1984-85 in Doncaster, will lead an educational discussion on how the community was organised during the strike.

    steve colborn

    I hope that any members attending, tell the attendant audience not only how the strike and future strikes should be organised but how we should organise so "strikes" are a a thing of the past. Anyway, what the fuck am I on about, we should'nt be telling strikers anything about how strikes should have been, or should be organised, we should "only" be telling them about a society, that makes "strikes", totally pointless, unnecessary and irrelevant!!!Power to the people.

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