2019 Executive Committee

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement 2019 Executive Committee

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  • #185895

    There are currently two vacancies on the Party’s Executive Committee.

    The committee generally meets on the first Saturday of each month at Head Office and commences at 1pm.

    Party members who would like to serve on the committee, which runs the day-to-day affairs of the party, should seek nomination from a branch.

    In between Conferences it is the work of the Executive Committee to coordinate the Party’s activities in line with decisions made at past Conferences and Party Polls.

    Travelling and other expenses may be claimed.

    See below for relevant extracts from the rule book:


    12. The Executive Committee shall consist of ten members, elected annually by vote of the Party. Nominations shall be made by the Branches. Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled only by seeking further nominations. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies, a ballot shall be held. Vacancies occurring after 1st October shall not be filled.

    13. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a month. Five members shall be a quorum. Any member shall lapse from the EC if absent from two out of three consecutive meetings unless granted leave of absence by the EC for Party business, holidays, sickness or other reasons acceptable to the EC.

    17. The Executive Committee shall publish and control the Party literature. Election Statements and Election Manifestos must be approved by the Executive Committee before printing excepting handbills and leaflets. They shall establish a literature agency, from which all Branches shall be supplied, establish and maintain communications with Socialist Parties abroad and otherwise generally administer the work of the Party in accordance with Party polls, Party rules and Conference decisions, and to this end may appoint sub-committees. Names shall be called for, subject to the Executive Committee being authorised to appoint members directly to these sub-Committees if no nominations are received.

    I sent the Gen Sec the following email — has it been misplaced perhaps?
    Gwynn Thomas <gwynnthomas@yahoo.co.uk>
    To:Shannon Kennedy
    16 Apr at 00:35
    Dear Comrade Kennedy
    On Saturday 30th March South London Branch passed the following resolution 5 – 0 (5 members present):<br clear=”none” /><br clear=”none” />

    “That comrade Thomas be appointed to fill the current EC vacancy”
    I have accepted the nomination.
    The remaining notifications will be placed before the next branch meeting
    Gwynn Thomas
    (South London Branch Secretary)

    I’m sure it hasn’t been misplaced, Gwynn; I was just unaware of it.  Mea Culpa. See you on Saturday then.  🙂

    Only one vacancy remains then…




    Both vacancies now filled.

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