2015 for WSM/SPGB

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement 2015 for WSM/SPGB

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    What does 2015 hold for the WSM/SPGB?


    Probably socialism.


    Our aging membership will all be a year closer to the grave.


    But so will our younger members. In fact everybody in the world will be. I'll go further and make a prediction: everyone alive on Earth today is going to die.


    But are they going to die within a capitalist world or in a socialist society, that is the question.SonofRage is an optimist…my glass is half-empty, i'm afraid.But a future as yet unposted blog reads 

    Many are pessimistic about the prospect of a socialist revolution, probably with a certain amount of justification, and they know that eradicating capitalism is a long shot. But it’s our only shot. The reason that socialists are politically active is because there’s nothing else. The only other alternative is to give up, surrender and submit to a slow death for ourselves and our planet.  When we accept things the way they are we’ll end up in a worse situation. If a person really understands what’s going on, he or she cannot stand idle. It’s a matter of human dignity and it becomes part of our historical social responsibility to try and change things. Accepting things the way they are would mean allowing 10 million children under the age of five to die annually because, under the normal functioning of global capitalism, it’s not profitable to save them. It would mean continuing to accept racism, which has always been central to capitalism’s divide and rule manner of domination and control. It means the acceptance of capitalism’s expansion and the unremitting accumulation of capital.We should never forget that we are potentially stronger than they. We outnumber them. But equally important, we have right on our side.

    New applications for membership will counteract the inevitable ageing process on existing members.


    Writing from the other side of the Ocean, a better functioning WSPUS would be nice. After all, 2016 isn't that far away and that will be the hundredth anniversary of the formation of the WSPUS.And, yes, I know that the WSPUS will only function better if members like my good self get off my arse and do some actual activity. 

    jondwhite wrote:
    New applications for membership will counteract the inevitable ageing process on existing members.

    I wondered why everyone was looking younger.

    imposs1904 wrote:
    Writing from the other side of the Ocean, a better functioning WSPUS would be nice. After all, 2016 isn't that far away and that will be the hundredth anniversary of the formation of the WSPUS.And, yes, I know that the WSPUS will only function better if members like my good self get off my arse and do some actual activity. 

    It would be more than nice, it is a historical imperative.

    jondwhite wrote:
    imposs1904 wrote:
    Writing from the other side of the Ocean, a better functioning WSPUS would be nice. After all, 2016 isn't that far away and that will be the hundredth anniversary of the formation of the WSPUS.And, yes, I know that the WSPUS will only function better if members like my good self get off my arse and do some actual activity. 

    It would be more than nice, it is a historical imperative.


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