Audio index

Welcome to the SPGB audio archive, containing talks and discussions to play or download.

Summer Schools 2015 –
Special 3-day events taking place every summer, with themes including war, gender & power, technology, money, the environment, new perspectives on socialism…
Summer Schools pre-2015

2024 online talks (via Zoom)

2023 online talks (via Discord)

2022 online talks (via Discord)

2021 online talks (via Discord)

2020 online talks (via Discord)
2020 was the year of global pandemic, when all meetings in person had to stop, so we went online and these talks are the result. There are two pages here, one for regular talks and the other for more speculative discussions based very loosely around the idea of frequently asked questions.

Conspiracy theories, radical feminism, Rosa Luxemburg, the Paris Commune, Zeitgeist, William Blake, the Glass Ceiling, Proudhon, UKIP, the Inca, Dostoyevsky, Utopia, Fracking, First World War, the Economic Calculation argument, Sudoku, EU Referendum, Trotskyism, falling statues, Martov, the Trade Union Bill, Chartism, climate change, anthropology…

Robert Tressell & the SDF, William Morris, Middle East wars for oil, German Revolution…

Gulf crisis, Post-Berlin Wall Eastern Europe, Living without the Law, A Novel Approach to History (a series on classic novels including Moby Dick, Heart of Darkness, The Jungle, Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists, Kangaroo, Kim, 1984 & Woman on the Edge of Time), Debate with a Tory stalwart…

Human nature, Tony Benn, alienation, prehistory, Marxian economics, anarchism, folk music, soap operas, People Who History Made, Hardy debates a Tory, Coleman debates a patriotic loon…

Hardy, Baldwin, Barltrop, Donnelly, Young…

Note: Most of the newer recordings are downloadable, but the older ones, not so much…