Editorial: Mugabe – From ‘Marxist’ Guerrilla to Fat Cat Dictator

September 2024 Forums Comments Editorial: Mugabe – From ‘Marxist’ Guerrilla to Fat Cat Dictator

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    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Editorial: Mugabe – From 'Marxist' Guerrilla to Fat Cat Dictator.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    Was Mugabe a dictator?  AFAICS Zimbabwe had an indpendent judicieary, rule (ish) of law and open (ish) elections: Mugabe had to opt for coalition with MDC at one point.  ZANU certainly do not play fair: but elections were not of the Syrian or East German variety.Whilst the comparison can't be exact, look at how long De Valera dominated politics in Ireland, and I'm sure we could scout around otehr post-National Liberation situations.Or, much like early 20th century southern US states.Current, certainly, a mass murderer, indeed: but I think dictator is too strong, he never had personal rule.


    But a military cop is a military coup.The foreign ministry to Major-General Sibusiso Moyo, Air Marshal Perence Shiri gets lands and agriculture ministry.


    I came across this interesting article:https://theconversation.com/land-reform-is-a-zimbabwe-success-story-it-will-be-the-basis-for-economic-recovery-under-mnangagwa-88205Mnangagwa has been driving the government for somewhile.It describes both that the land reform situation has stabilised, nad how much mugabe had to adapt to the veterans movement's own actions. This is an interesting paragraph:

    Mnangagwa has been part of the government since independence, so this is only a change of leadership. Corruption dogged Zimbabwe under Mugabe, but nevertheless, Mnangagwa was already moving to curb it. Participation in the Command Agriculture programme was voluntary, but Mnangagwa used the army to check that the agreed number of hectares had been ploughed and planted. Some senior figures from the ruling ZANU-PF party were arrested for fraud for selling fertiliser and diesel that was meant for other farmers.

    So, Mnangagwa, a veteran, has worked closely with the army as his tool for somewhile.

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