Is the party structure mis-aligned with its purpose?

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Is the party structure mis-aligned with its purpose?

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    The party structure is designed on a trade union model.  Yet this model is also specifically designed for participation in the economic component of the class struggle and not the political component of the class struggle.  This suggests that the current structure is at odds with our purpose and needs rectifying so our activity is in alignment with the structure.

    Just my thoughts on the need for some serious debate on this issue.

    Just my thoughts on the need for some serious debate on this issue.

    My own thoughts exactly, Brian. And rather than some nebulous amorphous exchange i  suggest a planned and coordinated internet and branch debate that leads to a dedicated conference that can wrestle with the difficulties and put options to the membership to vote upon…But perhaps i have already proposed something like that.The first baby-step is being taken in this regard with an investigation into a national party organisation of individuals rather than one base upon branches. I look forward to the report and its recommendations.i have grown quite patient over the years and although the issue is indeed very urgent, i recognise the danger to rushing decisions on decision-making. But any solution that does not accept the technological changes in the world, may well be ineffective

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