
January 2025 Forums General discussion Recruiting

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  • #85805

    i came across this comment and thought it was of some import when it comes to the question of organising, not just as an industrial union but as a political party. Vindicating our own selective membership rules.

    "We decided to try and recruit every person who was mad about Trump and just open the flood gates. Now all of the problems of the activist scene are the problems of the iww. Where we were once an island of a bit of sanity we have now been overrun with people, lots of whom are actually opposed to workplace organising."


    Their main problem  is Donald Trump only  instead of capitalism. There is one sector of the US ruling class, and European ruling elites  who are also against Trump. What would happen when the US workers elect another president ? Are they going to stay or leave ? We want members who understand that our problem is capitalism, it is not the presidents,  the political parties, or the so called deep-state, or the so called conservative ( I call them reactionaries or recalctriants ) or the so called liberals ( or supporters of state capitalism ) or the so called establishment. We do not guide ourselves by the individualistic conception of history, we guide ourselves by the Materialist conception of History . Donald Trump and his friends are pushing for a tax cut while others capitalists in others parts of the world are also pushing for their tax cut to attract the US investors, therefore capitalists are struggiling against each others and against Trump too. Israel which is an allied of the US is also pushing for its own tax cut. What about Trump Vice-President known as Pence ? , in some way, he is worst than Trump, he is a fanatic Crhistian ultra right winger


    The party taking subscriptions and maintaining a database of people needn't be restricted to those passing the membership test though. Reluctance to do so is what we have now and it doesn't necessarily vindicate the membership test if we redefined members between non-voting (supporters) and voting (full members).

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