I guess this could also be posted in 'off topic'.
I haven't listened to this yet but it's Philip Bounds – author of 'British Communism and the Politics of Literature, 1928 to 1939' and 'Orwell and Marxism: The Political and Cultural Thinking of George Orwell' – speaking on Pacifica Radio about Tommy Jackson:
Link: T.A. Jackson, Marxist Outsider
Jackson was a founder member of the SPGB, resigning in 1909 or so, and he is best known today as a longstanding member of the CPGB from the 1920s onwards. He wrote a number of books, including an autobiograghy entitled 'Solo Trumpet', where he talks of his early membership of the SPGB, without mentioning the Party by name. (The SPGB was always a bit awkward for the CPGB when Jackson was a member). But he also wrote books on, amongst other things, Irish History – dedicating his book to another founder member of the SPGB, Con Lehane – dialectics and a book on Charles Dickens (which I believe Orwell referenced in a famous essay on Dickens.) As a sidenote, one of Jackson's daughters, Stella Jackson, was a member of the SPGB in the 1930s. Twenty years after her old man fell out with the Party.
More TA Jackson/SPGB related stuff over here:
Link: Tommy Jackson/SPGB