T.A. Jackson, Marxist Outsider – radio interview with Philip Bounds

October 2024 Forums Off topic T.A. Jackson, Marxist Outsider – radio interview with Philip Bounds

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  • #85711

    I guess this could also be posted in 'off topic'.

    I haven't listened to this yet but it's Philip Bounds – author of 'British Communism and the Politics of Literature, 1928 to 1939' and 'Orwell and Marxism: The Political and Cultural Thinking of George Orwell' –  speaking on Pacifica Radio about Tommy Jackson:

    Link: T.A. Jackson, Marxist Outsider

    Jackson was a founder member of the SPGB, resigning in 1909 or so, and he is best known today as a longstanding member of the CPGB from the 1920s onwards. He wrote a number of books, including an autobiograghy entitled 'Solo Trumpet', where he talks of his early membership of the SPGB, without mentioning the Party by name. (The SPGB was always a bit awkward for the CPGB when Jackson was a member). But he also wrote books on, amongst other things, Irish History – dedicating his book to another founder member of the SPGB, Con Lehane – dialectics and a book on Charles Dickens (which I believe Orwell referenced in a famous essay on Dickens.) As a sidenote, one of Jackson's daughters, Stella Jackson, was a member of the SPGB in the 1930s. Twenty years after her old man fell out with the Party.

    More TA Jackson/SPGB related stuff over here:

    Link: Tommy Jackson/SPGB


    Also the author of this book we reviewed:http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/socialist-standard/2010s/2014/no-1323-november-2014/book-reviews-notes-end-history-village-against-wHe also appears on our facebook page to "like" things from time to time.Of course it's an interview with him about TA Jackson not him interviewing Jackson.


    Apologies for any inadvertent misunderstanding in my original post. I'm not working to full capacity atm.

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