The Magic Money Tree

October 2024 Forums General discussion The Magic Money Tree

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  • #85563

    The Tories throw scorn on Corbyn asking if he has a 'magic money tree' to finance his reforms. Indeed similar to our own criticisms.  I found this video really funny but informative. This bloke produces these video cheap and fast. Something perhaps we could pick up on.




    Yes, he's right. The money is there, in the form of accumulated profits that in theory the government could tax or borrow. Our case is not that it isn't (as the Tories claim), but that if a reformist government took too much of this it would provoke an economic downward as profits are what makes the capitalist economic system go round, i.e it wouldn't work and the government would have to backtrack and accept and apply that priority has to be given to profits and conditions for profit-making. As we've seen time and again. In short, the money is there but you can't touch it without disrupting the system. Profits are the forbidden fruit on the Money Tree.Incidentally, in the video that follows the one you link to, the bloke interviews Aaron Bastani who once advocated "Fully Automated Luxury Communism". Now it's Jeremy Corbyn. Quite an effective pro-Labour video, I'd have thought. Trouble is it would all end in tears.


    ALBI wasn't suggesting his analysis was accurate. the bloke is a Corbyn supporter and wants the Labour Party elected. His videos are nevertheless interesting and informative (compared to many others) especially at  revealing the hypocricy of the extrem rich asking where the money will come from. They have no problem finding money, do they? 


    I didn't like his shouting style delivery and exitted after a very short time.

    Matt wrote:
    I didn't like his shouting style delivery and exitted after a very short time.

    I agree Matt, get's on your nerves a bit but he is not really like that. He is trying to portray a stereotypical London Taxi driver ranting about politics.  he's pretty good at it.  I think he has been on TV too.He has people like Brand and Alex Jones in his 'cab' which gets a lot of views on Youtube.


    Thanks that makes sense.The link showed this. I guess I didn't appreciate that at the time I watched it. He has a target audience who do 'get him', a large following, so good on him. I was fiddling with the subtitles and I gave up as he was bugging me. Perhaps more my fault, if any, than his.


    I was quite impressed with what he said about Corbyn at the very end of the video (trying to shake the tree for more crumbs). Can't believe there are no party members with YouTube accounts doing this kind of thing. Or maybe there are? Surely the party should get in touch with this guy for an interview on one of his mad videos. 

    Matt wrote:
    I was fiddling with the subtitles.

    Subtitles? I wonder how they handled his frequent use of the Ancient Greek orators' device of temesis.

    Subtitles? I wonder how they handled his frequent use of the Ancient Greek orators' device of temesis.

    I watched again with sound off, but rolling back and listening when a blip occured .They handled most of the harrangue well but balked at Pana[expletive] ma.A recent one I watched a discussion/debate between Will Self and Slavoj Žižek,had hilarious subtitle tranlations from 'sloberry chick' for Slavov's name  and 'dental vagina' from  what I don't remember,  as I was rolling about the carpet laughing and headphones came off…


    Here is another from chunkymark, he is very passionate about getting Corbyn in, LOL


    I have come across some recent references to 'the magic money tree' in respect of the £1 billion found for the DUP to prop up the ToriesThere's no magic money tree – unless you're making a deal with the DUPalso thisQueen to receive £6m pay increase from public funds – BBC News

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