Book Review: ‘Karl Marx – The Passionate Logician’

September 2024 Forums Comments Book Review: ‘Karl Marx – The Passionate Logician’

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  • #127196

    Does anyone have any more information on the author of this book?


    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Book Review: 'Karl Marx – The Passionate Logician'.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    Here's what Wikipedia says about him. I've only read two of his other books. One, A Short History of the Russian Revolution, based on the notes of a non-Bolshevik revolutionary is very good. Reviewed in the March 1968 Socialist Standard here. The other is The Unriddling of Christian Origins: A Secular Account which, being a secular account, is ok if I remember rightly. But I think he thought there actually was a historical figure called "Jesus", which is open to serious doubt.

    Dave B

     I have read and am in possession of two of his translations.N. N. Sukhanov, The Russian Revolution: A Personal Record (Oxford, 1955)Dan Theodore, The Origins of Bolshevism (Secker & Warburg, 1964)Sukhanov was a sort of Menshevik and eyewitness to the Russian revolution. The infamous Bolshevik meeting to initiate the October coup was held in his flat whilst he was out; his wife was a Bolshevik. Sukhanov wrote a much more detailed account covering the first 12 months or so; the Carmichael translation and  600 page book is an abridged version of that. In the 1984 addendum he confirms that the bolsheviks had received massive funding from the germans from 1917 to 1918 etc Dan Theodore was a key Menshevik and became its leader from abroad and from the mid 1920’s. Drifted towards a Trotskyist position and wrote a long article/letter to the manchester guardian attacking stalins show trials in 1930’s as they were happening.

    Dave B

    l Hi Adam I have ordered that book re a Marxist on historicity of Jesus. Thanks for the recommendation. I have made a contribution on Wikipedia re the asses’ head thing of the oldest ‘representation’ of JC; 200AD Mine was the Apion, Josephus, Origen and Celsum thing.

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