Formation of South East Wales Regional Branch

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Formation of South East Wales Regional Branch

  • This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #85470

    At a meeting held yesterday Saturday 13th May it was agreed to the formation of a South East Wales Regional Branch and the EC be informed.  It was also agreed that Richard Botterill be Branch Secretary and Aaron Mills be Branch Treasurer.  It was further agreed that:

    1. The Branch order four copies of the Socialist Standard

    2. Enquiries be made by all members on opening up a bank account in Cardiff.

    3. We continue holding the street stalls on the 1st Saturday of the month (weather permitting) but change the times to 11.00 am to 1.00 pm

    4. A discussion then took place on the Conference voting paper.

    5. Agreed next meeting 12th August 12 noon National Museum of Wales cafeteria.


    For the record and accuracy the comrade's name is Aaron Mills.And what does "next meeting Saturday" refer to exactly?

    gnome wrote:
    For the record and accuracy the comrade's name is Aaron Mills.And what does "next meeting Saturday" refer to exactly?

    Edit: That was a typo in both instances.


    Are Cardiff and Swansea branches now wound up …or only Cardiff being re-named? My Welsh geography is bad so Southeast is what exactlyWhat will the frequency of branch meetings be?

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Are Cardiff and Swansea branches now wound up …or only Cardiff being re-named? My Welsh geography is bad so Southeast is what exactlyWhat will the frequency of branch meetings be?

    My understanding is that Swansea branch will continue and to meet on the second Monday of each month as now.  There is no Cardiff branch so the new regional branch is an addition.  It will meet every three months; next meeting on Saturday, 12 August in the National Museum of Wales cafeteria in Cardiff at 12noon.Street stall in Swansea this Saturday, 20 May at 12noon.

    gnome wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Are Cardiff and Swansea branches now wound up …or only Cardiff being re-named? My Welsh geography is bad so Southeast is what exactlyWhat will the frequency of branch meetings be?

    My understanding is that Swansea branch will continue and to meet on the second Monday of each month as now.  There is no Cardiff branch so the new regional branch is an addition.  It will meet every three months; next meeting on Saturday, 12 August in the National Museum of Wales cafeteria in Cardiff at 12noon.Street stall in Swansea this Saturday, 20 May at 12noon.

    That's correct.  For those of you who lack an understanding of the geography of Wales.  The SE region covers everything between Port Talbot and Chepstow on the coast and everything up to Merthyr Tydfil and the Heads of the Valley inland.


    A further meeting was held in Cardiff on Saturday 12th August  12 noon at the National Museum regarding the setting up of South East Wales Regional Branch.  In attendance: Richard Botteril, Brian Johnson, Richard Mepham, Aaron Mills, Mike Foster (WMRB), apologies Richard Cheney. The following items were discussed:Review of stall.  Agreed that the stall was resulting in making our presence known in Cardiff.  Brian to order 500 Q&A leaflets and 300 of the Rationing inserts/leaflets from HO.Bank account. Aaron to investigate the possibility of opening up a bank account in Cardiff. Current funds £37.00.Setting up of SEWRB.  Brian Informed the meeting he still had to contact cde Glenn Morris to propose he join the new Branch.  Cde Howard Moss had just this morning emailed Brian with further proposals. Brian to circulate the email with the proposal before we give any feedback to Howard.Candidates test.  Brian proposed that all members sit the candidates test in anticipation of the new branch contesting elections.  Agreed that Brian arrange with Howard Moss for the tests to take place in the New Year.  Agreed Brian to contact Election Department regarding civil servants contesting Welsh Assembly elections.Next meeting Saturday 14th October 12 noon National Museum.


    This is very encouraging news.Regarding the End to Rationing insert there is still a quantity at HO but we are about to get some more printed in time for the latest edition of the William Morris Society magazine which is due out next month.  Probably best if someone contacts Melvin Tenner who's directly responsible for the insert campaign.


    I've booked a room for the next meetup at 29 Park Road, Cardiff from 12 noon to 2.00 pm on Saturday 14th October. The venue is across the road from the National Museum and there's parking available next street up or around the Civic Centre.The following items to be included on the agenda:Arrangements for candidates test.Literature.Party restructuring and reorganisation.Restructuring of Swansea BranchADM


    Shame the change of venue wasn't advised sooner for as well as being advertised in the events section of this website and on our Meetup group, which can both be changed, the original National Museum venue appears in the October Socialist Standard, which can't.Someone will need to put up a sign at the Museum advising any visitors of the change of venue. BTW, are you sure the new venue isn't 29 Park Place rather than Park Road which is in another part of Cardiff entirely?

    gnome wrote:
    Shame the change of venue wasn't advised sooner for as well as being advertised in the events section of this website and on our Meetup group, which can both be changed, the original National Museum venue appears in the October Socialist Standard, which can't.Someone will need to put up a sign at the Museum advising any visitors of the change of venue. BTW, are you sure the new venue isn't 29 Park Place rather than Park Road which is in another part of Cardiff entirely?

    My bad on both counts.  Its Park Place.

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