October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement AWARENESS OF THE PARTY

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  • #85445

    At its April meeting the Executive Committee decided to call for volunteers to assist at Head Office in processing an expected rise in general enquiries and literature requests, following our decision to greatly increase promotion of our case and journal over the coming months and years. At present, already-committed members would be unable to cope.

    Although there is as yet no timetable for this increase in advertising, we need names and contact details of comrades and sympathisers who would be willing to lend a hand at peak times and could be called upon at comparatively short notice.

    If you think you can help, please contact the Party at / Tel: 020 7622 3811 / Text: 07732 831192 / SPGB, 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN.   Messages left on the HO phone are retrieved remotely on a regular basis when the premises are not staffed.

    A brief summary of the possible promotional campaign is below.

    The Executive Committee

    Inserts in subscriber and newsagent copies of, among other publications, The Guardian, The Observer, New Statesman, New Scientist, History Today, The Week, Times Higher Education, Voice, William Morris Society Magazine, New Internationalist, Third Age Matters, Student Times, Prospect Magazine, Jewish Chronicle, Private Eye and Red Pepper, as well as trade union communications.


    The EC has also approved the production of a Whiteboard- type  introductory video.  Hopefully, ready for Conference Another suggestion is the  use of  short videos like this on our websites  to advertise the Socialist Standard and the party?  Perhaps promote them via youtube, twitter and social media


     Pleased to report that eight members and supporters have already volunteered to help out.

    gnome wrote:
    Pleased to report that eight members and supporters have already volunteered to help out.

    Now up to 10 but more are needed in view of the anticipated response when we launch this campaign. It seems also, from what I hear, that another long-term supporter (we already have one) is prepared to assist at Head Office on a regular basis.


    In addition to the inserts which went to 19,000 subscribers to the New Statesman on 7 July and to which there has already been quite a favourable response, this Ad appeared in the News Statesman E-Newsletter a few days ago.Inserts will also be sent to 37,500 subscribers to the New Scientist at the end of this week.


    If all goes according to plan 19,000 subscribers to the New Statesman will be receiving our insert "An end to rationing" this coming Friday, 7 July.    Fifty information packs containing an introductory leaflet, a pamphlet, the latest edition of the Socialist Standard and a covering letter, have already been prepared in advance of anticipated enquiries.

    gnome wrote:
    If all goes according to plan 19,000 subscribers to the New Statesman will be receiving our insert "An end to rationing" this coming Friday, 7 July.    Fifty information packs containing an introductory leaflet, a pamphlet, the latest edition of the Socialist Standard and a covering letter, have already been prepared in advance of anticipated enquiries.

    Around 40 enquiries have been received so far.  These include requests for information packs and/or the free three month subscription to the Socialist Standard.


    A total of 70 enquiries from the inserts in the New Statesman and New Scientist have now been received.  Nearly all have taken advantage of the free three month subscription to the Socialist Standard and over 40 also opted for the information pack containing a copy of the current Socialist Standard, the pamphlet From Capitalism to Socialism, an introductory leaflet and a covering letter.The next batch of inserts will be included with the September edition of the William Morris Society magazine which goes out to 1100 subscribers.

    Bijou Drains
    gnome wrote:
    A total of 70 enquiries from the inserts in the New Statesman and New Scientist have now been received.  Nearly all have taken advantage of the free three month subscription to the Socialist Standard and over 40 also opted for the information pack containing a copy of the current Socialist Standard, the pamphlet From Capitalism to Socialism, an introductory leaflet and a covering letter.The next batch of inserts will be included with the September edition of the William Morris Society magazine which goes out to 1100 subscribers.

    Thanks for the update, that news alongside the video launch makes for some good news about activity.


    Yes very encouraging that we are reaching out.  


    We have now received a total of 112 enquiries to date as a result of our inserts in various publications.The next batch of inserts will go out with 101,000 copies of The Observer next Sunday (15 October).

    Mike Foster

    I had a look through The Observer today and it was nice to see our insert in there. Hopefully we'll get lots of enquiries from it.

    Mike Foster wrote:
    I had a look through The Observer today and it was nice to see our insert in there. Hopefully we'll get lots of enquiries from it.

    So far there's been over 50 responses to our insert in The Observer.  A couple of comrades (thanks, Mike & Rob) spent a while making up information packs during the ADM lunch break in readiness for dispatch to enquirers.


    Received our first new member as a result of the campaign.  Tim H came into contact with the Party after receiving an insert in the New Statesman and then contacted Swansea Branch.  He recently left the Labour Party.The next phase of the campaign will see 70k of our "An end to rationing" brochure inserted into Unison's U magazine.  The total cost of this phase will be just under £4k.


    There have also been about 10 who, after receiving the three free issues, have taken out a paying 12 month subscription.

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