Stop Trump Protest

July 2024 Forums Events and announcements Stop Trump Protest

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    The 'Stop Trump' protest is set to take place in Parliament Square on Monday, February 20.

    Some 16,000 people have already registered their interest in attending.

    The protest, which will start at 6pm, is also taking place in coordination with One Day Without Us: National Day of Action – a day celebrating the contribution of migrants in the UK.

    The newly formed Stop Trump Coalition, musicians, MPs, activists and comedians, pledged to get one million people onto London's streets to stage the biggest demonstration in British history in protest against Mr Trump’s visit. The date of that protest is yet to be decided.


    For the record, back numbers of the Socialist Standard were distributed to those attending. The report-back was that far less than the organisers anticipated turned up and that the Stop Trump Coalition is just another SWP front organisation. Nothing new — or interesting — there then.


    heccccccccccck – smile – very active…./ spgb impact…..

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