Marx and philosophy

July 2024 Forums Comments Marx and philosophy

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    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Marx and philosophy.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!

    Rosa Lichtenstein

    What is your proof that Wittgenstein was at any point in his life a Logical Positivist?And is it clear that Marx abandoned philosophy root-and-branch by the late 1840s:


    This article has many interesting ideas but the forum jumped in the wagon of the dialectic


    Wittgenstein, Shitgenstein. Can't understand a word of what he wrote. Worse than Hegel. Maybe the Emporer has no clothes.

    Bijou Drains
    ALB wrote:
    Wittgenstein, Shitgenstein. Can't understand a word of what he wrote. Worse than Hegel. Maybe the Emporer has no clothes.

    Wittgenstein lived for four years in Newcastle, where he worked as a porter at the RVI Hospital. Local Legend has it that he used to drink in the Trent House pub, which was a popular haunt of mine back in the day. Perhaps it was drinking all that Broon ale that made his writings so incomprehensible.

    Bijou Drains
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    Wittgenstein, Shitgenstein. Can't understand a word of what he wrote. Worse than Hegel. Maybe the Emporer has no clothes.

    Wittgenstein lived for four years in Newcastle, where he worked as a porter at the RVI Hospital. Local Legend has it that he used to drink in the Trent House pub, which was a popular haunt of mine back in the day. Perhaps it was drinking all that Broon ale that made his writings so incomprehensible.

    There is a poem by the local poet Mike Wilkin “Geordie Henderson replies to the biographer of Ludwig Wittgenstein” (Mugs Rite, Bay Press, 1996), :“Div aa knaa oot more / aboot him?Fella, arl else / aa remember, is that / the only gala time /aa got im near a pint, / knaaing he was a Delphi /Oracle, aa askt him / if the Magpies would ever /climb back to the Shangri-La / of Division One.And he wrote / doon arl magisterially /on a raggy beer mat / (which is clagged-up / in wor netty yet!) /“Whereof one cannot spowt / Thereof one must say nowt.” 

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    Wittgenstein, Shitgenstein. Can't understand a word of what he wrote. Worse than Hegel. Maybe the Emporer has no clothes.

    Wittgenstein lived for four years in Newcastle, where he worked as a porter at the RVI Hospital. Local Legend has it that he used to drink in the Trent House pub, which was a popular haunt of mine back in the day. Perhaps it was drinking all that Broon ale that made his writings so incomprehensible.

     Well, Marx used to go to the pubs to drink with his friends. Is that the reason why Marx is more difficult to be read than Engels ?  Engels was the only person able to read  his handwriting. Hegel Phenomenology is full of mysticism we need all this ? 

    Dave B

    I got interested in Wittgenstien.  He was at Manchester university doing pioneering work on aeronautics at the kite and balloon research station near the grouse inn pub near Glossop around 1908 and the Wright brothers time Which was also a favourite pub of mine for starting and ending walks in the pennines.  He stayed at that pub. He also working on light weight combustion engine that was at least half of the problem with building planes. He actually took a patent out on what looked like something that might have evolved into a pre frank whittle jet engine.   I think Bertrand Russell, who was an ok kind of guy as they go had a high opinion of Wittgenstein. He did write a seminal book on philosophy for dummies. Thus on Wittgenstein’s kite flying ambitions! I think I eventually understood what he was on about; which was an interesting idea and it isn’t that complicated as these thing often aren’t. It helps of course watching star trek I thought that that episode was Wittgenstien ish and later found an essay in a book I think  on it by a star treky/philosophy bod who came to the almost  identical conclusion/ analysis. The same theme I think popped up again in the recent sci film Arrival; although I was expecting it as I avoided all potential plot spoilers and need to watch it [Arrival] again probably.

    Dave B

    I also think there is a relevance of Wittgenstien to chapter one of volume of capital. Viz-a-vie expended labour time being embodied in the material envelop of a commodity. Maybe it was an accident that Karl was bought on as a substitute for Ludwig?

    Dave B wrote:
    He did write a seminal book on philosophy for dummies.

    That's Russell of course, not Wittgenstein.

    Dave B

    Yes Very apropos Adam. If that was deliberate it was very clever! I also meant to say “I wasn’t expecting it”

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