The Young Karl Marx (2017)

July 2024 Forums General discussion The Young Karl Marx (2017)

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    The Young Karl Marx (2017) English trailer has been released

    One comment I read was

    Kinda hate how they portray Engels as just a bankroller or cheerleader for Marx. Engels was a great writer himself, his work on the state and the family and how these notions have been shaped and carved out of the development of capitalism are crucial for all socialists.
    Dave B

    While in Manchester between October and November 1843, Engels wrote his first economic work, entitled "Outline of a Critique of Political Economy."[24]Engels sent the article to Paris, where Marx published it in the Deutsch–Französische Jahrbücherin 1844………. it wasn’t too bad really for a 23 year old in 1843 and was on a different planet compared to where Karl was at the time.  Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy by Frederick Engels We have seen that capital and labour are initially identical; we see further from the explanations of the economist himself that, in the process of production, capital, the result of labour, is immediately transformed again into the substratum, into the material of labour; and that therefore the momentarily postulated separation of capital from labour is immediately superseded by the unity of both. And yet the economist separates capital from labour, and yet clings to the division without giving any other recognition to their unity than by his definition of capital as “stored-up labour.” The split between capital and labour resulting from private property is nothing but the inner dichotomy of labour corresponding to this divided condition and arising out of it. And after this separation is accomplished, capital is divided once more into the original capital and profit – the increment of capital, which it receives in the process of production; although in practice profit is immediately lumped together with capital and set into motion with it. and;


    We must  be very careful with those movies or documentary on Karl Marx. There is one movie made in Argentina, and another one made in Cuba which do not represent the real point of view of Marx, on both  he is presented as a Social Democrat. I received one from Cuba, and I am going to send it for the SPGB library. Until now, none of them have subtitles


    The first review is here


    The Marxist-Humanist and other grouos have been dealing for years with the nonsenses of the so called Young Marx, or the so called young writting of Marx, and trying to create two different persons. Marx like any beginner he was wrong in many aspects, and he was also wrong in many aspect when he was an adult person. The impportance thing is to take the most essential ideass of Marx, even more, without Marx socialism and the Socialist Party would have existed, it would have taken a long time to understand certain principles,  The Marxist Humanist have also tried to create a different Lenin, the Lenin before 1914 and Lenin after 1914. Lenimism is Leninism


    Ah, the proper thread for this post


     alanjjohnstoneOfflineJoined: 22/06/2011Send PM Marx at the MoviesIt's been referred to before on the forum but i can't find the thread.BBC Review From the Berlin Film Festival"I have no country to fight for; my country is the Earth, and I am a citizen of the World." – Eugene V. Debs

    Dave B wrote:
    While in Manchester between October and November 1843, Engels wrote his first economic work, entitled "Outline of a Critique of Political Economy."[24]Engels sent the article to Paris, where Marx published it in the Deutsch–Französische Jahrbücherin 1844………. it wasn’t too bad really for a 23 year old in 1843 and was on a different planet compared to where Karl was at the time.  Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy by Frederick Engels We have seen that capital and labour are initially identical; we see further from the explanations of the economist himself that, in the process of production, capital, the result of labour, is immediately transformed again into the substratum, into the material of labour; and that therefore the momentarily postulated separation of capital from labour is immediately superseded by the unity of both. And yet the economist separates capital from labour, and yet clings to the division without giving any other recognition to their unity than by his definition of capital as “stored-up labour.” The split between capital and labour resulting from private property is nothing but the inner dichotomy of labour corresponding to this divided condition and arising out of it. And after this separation is accomplished, capital is divided once more into the original capital and profit – the increment of capital, which it receives in the process of production; although in practice profit is immediately lumped together with capital and set into motion with it. and;

    Engels was the economist, then Marx studied Political Economy


    A movie is just that. All illusions and allusions even when informative or entertaining.

    Matt wrote:
    A movie is just that. All illusions and allusions even when informative or entertaining.

    Is this philistinism? Would you say the same about 'Capitalism and other Kids Stuff?' or Hardy's video lectures?Another review albeit in German elsewhere Alan posted this


    I don't think so. Ours were educative, the movie is a 'bums on seat' commercial venture.I really don't take movies seriously.

    Bijou Drains
    Matt wrote:
    I don't think so. Ours were educative, the movie is a 'bums on seat' commercial venture.I really don't take movies seriously.

    What? not even Bambi?

    Matt wrote:
    I don't think so. Ours were educative, the movie is a 'bums on seat' commercial venture.I really don't take movies seriously.

    From wikipedia on film festivals

    most [film] festivals operate on a nonprofit membership-based model, with a combination of ticket sales, membership fees, and corporate sponsorship constituting the majority of revenue. Unlike other arts nonprofits (performing arts, museums, etc.), film festivals typically receive few donations from the general public and are occasionally organized as nonprofit business associations instead of public charities

    Very interesting but I still don't take movies seriously.

    Matt wrote:
    Very interesting but I still don't take movies seriously.

    Me either, especially those about the life of Marx or Engels. All of them wanted to present both as left wingers

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