Additions to MIA Hardy archive

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Additions to MIA Hardy archive

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  • #85235

    16 December, 2016: Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive: (click on title to read)

    Is There a "Managerial" Revolution?, February 1943
    Britain's Third Labour Government, September 1945
    Professor Laski's secret,June 1946
    Labourism proposes—capitalism disposes, November 1946
    Old King Coal in his Labour Robes, February 1947
    Work and Want: An Old Farce with New Players, June 1947
    The Crisis: The Planner's Swansong, September 1947
    The Grimethorpe Miners, October 1947
    In the Sweet Bye and Bye, December 1947
    The Labour Government gets tough with the workers, March 1948
    The Finances of Nationalisation, June 1948
    The taming of the T.U.C., October 1948
    Cripps on crises, June 1949
    Ourselves and the Conservatives. September 1949
    Workers on the Defensive, October 1949
    Why not Socialism?, February 1950
    Is There a Future for State Capitalism?, April 1950
    A Denunciation of Nationalism. August 1952

    These articles cover the period of the post-war Labour government in Britain plus one on the former Comintern official M N Roy.

    They are a running commentary on the anti-working-class actions of the the Attlee Labour government. In fact, since Hardy wrote for the Socialist Standard for 70 years, the whole archive is a bit like our "Socialism or Your Money Back" book, with articles about the antics of the early "Communist" Party, international events in the 1930s and economic matters in the 1960s and 1970 and, now the Labour government in the 1940s. There are still some articles from the 1920s and later to be added.


    When will it be more than just Fitzgerald, Hardy and Lawrence? They are the only ones who've been up there for years?Gilmac, Jacomb, Wilmott have been suggested by email last year to no avail, but what about the debate between Dick Donnelly and Albert Meltzer?


    Imposs1904 is the MIA volunteer for the SPGB member archives. I believe he has plans  to open one for Adolph Kohn but has not got round to it except to select some articles.


    More (click on title to read):22 December, 2016: Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:The Douglas Scheme: I. Bursting the bubble, May 1933 II. How Major Douglas discovered capitalism, June 1933 III. Prosperity in America, July 1933 'Marxism and Democracy': A useful addition to Socialist Literature, February 1941 War overtakes Russia, July 1941 The Withering Away of the State — From Marx to Stalin, March 1946 Russian imperialism, April 1948 Old Myths Refurbished: review of 'Incomes Policy, Legislation and Shop Stewards', August 1966 Marx on colonialism, September 1970 The International Socialists and Parliamentary Action, December 1975 Marx and the Abolition of the Wages System, March 1977 Old Fallacies: A Look at the International Communist Current, October 1977 Book Review: 'Marx on Money', November 1977 Marxism and Democracy, September 1978 The Economics of Capitalism, April 1980 The economic crisis — the Marxian explanation. April 1984


    Yet more (click on title to read):The Communist Party of Australia, October 1921 The Communist Party. Communists in a hurry, December 1921 The Collapse of Capitalism, February 1923 The Communists and the Labour Party alliance, March 1922 The Evolution of W. Gallacher, February 1923 Mass action or intelligent organisation, March 1923 Jingo Communists, October 1923 The Communist Wreckers, March 1924 The latest criticism of Karl Marx, March 1925 Should the Workers Fight for Russia?, April 1928 Should Socialists vote for Labour candidates?, September 1928 Russia: Land of High Profits, September 1930 International Organisation (Socialist-Communist Party of France), November 1930 The Socialist Party versus the New Party, July 1931 Capitalism's crises. Well-known Communist discovers Marx, February 1932 One for the Currency Cranks, November 1932 The Situation in Italy. Is Fascism Cracking?, March 1934 Pawns in Abyssinia, August 1935 Review of 'The British Communist Party' by L.J. Macfarlane, June 1966 Review of 'Marxist Economics' by E. Mandel, April 1967 Capitalism in Eastern Europe, October 1969The ones from the 1920s on the early Communist Party are still relevant today as the same "tactics" are being advocated by modern-day Leninists and Trotskyists. The first one deals with a mistaken definition of "proletariat" which is still held by various Left Communist groups.Part of the concluding paragraph of the 1928 one on Russia is interesting and perhaps surprising:

    In conclusion, it may be as well to point out that this is in no sense a condemnation of the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917. Our criticism was and, is that they claimed to be able to achieve the impossible. Certain definite tasks lay before them and have been achieved. They brought Russia out of the war, exposed the purely capitalist nature of the conflict to the workers in both camps, and hastened the building of capitalism in Russia at a time when there was no other party with sufficient experience or determination to tackle so great an administrative work. They cannot, however, by legislation solve the fundamental conflicts between contending classes in Russia. They cannot permanently make the working class content with the capitalist economic system, and it would be better that they should recognise before it is too late that if they remain in office the discontent of the workers will come to be directed against them.

    Still more (click on title to read):5 February, 2017:Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:Must Wages Come Down?, January 1931 Socialists and War (on Boris Souvarine), August 1932 Debate with I.L.P., January 1933 Inquest on the I.L.P., May 1943 Interpreting Shakespeare, February 1950 That Yellow Metal again, February 1967 Money for Nothing, March 1967 Hendrik de Man, April 1967 Objectors 1914.18, August 1967 Who Gains through Devaluation?, January 1968 Floating to Nowhere: The Currency Crisis, August 1973 Debate with Sir Keith Joseph, June 1975 James Maxton: a political failure, July 1988


    14 April, 2017: Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:Words and Deeds, January 1923 Marxism today, September 1967 Marx's conception of socialism (part 1), July 1983 Marx's conception of socialism (part 2), August 1983The original transcriptions were done by Imposs1904 for his Socialist Standard Past & Present blog.


    4 June, 2017: Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:Should We Join the Labour Party?, May 1923 A. J. Cook Returns to the Fold, April 1929 The King's Question Answered, April 1936 Socialists and General de Gaulle, July 1958 More Trouble in Africa, April 1959 They Never Had It So Good in 1860, February 1962 The Grim Liberal Record, May 1962 Labour Governments and Armaments, March 1965 A good time coming?, February 1972 Not Piffle but Propaganda for Capitalism, October 1974 Going Private, February 1983Click on to read. Once again all but originally on from Imposs1904's MtSpace blog.


    Eleven more have been added (from Imposs1904's MySpace blog). Click on title to read:

    9 November, 2017: Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:The Peace Society, November 1921 Workers Under “Labour Rule”,February 1929 The Passing of Snowden, June 1937 The Coming Slump: Does the Gold Standard Matter?, October 1944 Where Do They Go From Here?, April 1946 What Comes After the Labour Government?, July 1947 War and Secret Diplomacy, September 1948 Attlee and Bevan: Much Ado About Nothing, April 1952 The Future according to Galbraith, October 1967 The Report on Trade Unions, August 1968 Marx the Revolutionary: 100 Years of Development and Distortion, March 1983

    Fourteen more (via Imposs's blog).  Click on title to read:

    4 January, 2018: Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:The Real Russia: Its Present Position and Tendencies, February 1925 Catholicism and Socialism: Mr. Wheatley's Lie, April 1925 Socialism and the Economic "Experts", May 1930 Incentive Under Socialism, November 1940 The Devil is Convalescing, May 1943 The Purpose of Devaluation, December 1949 Trade Unions and the Cost of Living, February 1963 Cures for Strikes, April 1963 Throwing Stones in the Russian Glasshouse, July 1963 Can we trust the population experts?, February 1964 Russian Diamonds, July 1964 The General Strike 40 Years On, May 1966 Pipes of Peace?, April 1982 Failure of Keynesian policies, April 1983

    More. Clicked on title to read:

    12 February, 2018: Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:Socialism and the Fascisti, April 1923 Is it War?, February 1937 Roads to Socialism, July 1937 Should Socialists Support Federal Union?, May 1940 The Daily Worker writes about its Former Hero, September 1940 What the Soldier Wants and How to Get it, May 1941 Reconstruction: A Lesson from the Last War, October 1941 Echoes of the People's Convention, December 1941 Communists support for Conservative candidates, December 1941 Note on Nationalisation, September 1948

    More added. Click on title to read:

    The Finance of War, September 1959 We are all Socialists now, April 1962 A Tale of Two Simpletons: Good man gone wrong, September 1962 The Common Market and the old Corn Laws, October 1962 Forerunner of Common Market, November 1962 Marx and the Sunday Times, November 1963 The Founding of the Trades Union Congress, June 1968 Capitalism's Dilemma, January 1974 The Strike Weapon, May 1976 The Future of Unemployment, August 1976 A useful introduction to Marx, June 1978

    More added (taken from Imposs1904's blog). Click on title to read. The one on the CP and the election is interesting as the SWP and SPEW when they used to contest elections before Corbyn came along had exactly the same sort of approach as the CP then. History repeating itself, the second time as a farce.

    Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:Some Shoddy Thoughts of a Superficial Mind, July 1922 The Problem of the Labour Leader, August 1922 Correspondence: The Collapse of Capitalism, November 1922"From Crow-Scaring to Westminster", January 1923 Justice, April 1923 The Paralysing Past, September 1923 What is the Use of Parliament?, January 1929 Points for Propagandists, January 1929 The Socialist Party and National Defence, April 1929 The Communist Party and the General Election, May 1929

    More, from 1931 including recording and analysing the failure and collapse of the Second Labour government. Click on title to read:

    13 June, 2018: Added to the Edgar Hardcastle Internet Archive:The Fallacy of Empire Trade, March 1930 Why Socialists Oppose Family Allowances, February 1931 The Case against The "Living Wage", March 1931 The Mosley Party. Old Fallacies Re-Furbished, April 1931 The Economic Crisis and the Workers, July 1931The Socialist Party and War, August 1931 The Labour Party and the Crisis, October 1931

    The internet committee have uploaded all the articles mentioned on this thread to the Archives section on our website here: they can be accessed here too, along with hundreds of other articles from past issues of the Socialist Standard.

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