Post removed from ‘What type of crisis theory are you?’

September 2024 Forums Off topic Post removed from ‘What type of crisis theory are you?’

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    Great flow chart. I followed the questions that led me to Marx at week 5.  




    I loved this comment below. thanks and appreciation awarded of 30 minutes favor time for



    On request via e-mail  from an interested party, I've made this into a quiz but needs refining according to the comments in this topic



    Below this paragraph is just my usual crazy thinking out loud writing. It's not polished and mostly just streem of conciousness I felt was releated to the subject.  You might not feel it's related to the subject and I recomend that you ignore this unrequested information below if you generally find my unrequested information of negative value to you and a waste of your time and attention.  This message is an effort to reduce the effect of any inadvertant intellectual flooding I may have contributed to objectionably. Sorry, If i've written an overwhelming volume that's caused you trouble in the past. I hope this warning paragraph helps you and you find it of value. 

    Anyway, as I was thinking about after reading your comments and ansers as a group.  . .  I don't really consider myself just a "marxist" even though that's where the flow chart led me. . . Actually philosophically, I would put myself in some entirely different category and graph these as mutli-demensional n-space worldview idea clusters of beliefs.  I'm more of a evolutionary nihilist in that I promote whatever I think the future will evolve to be.  Socialism and marx have a compelling vision of the future that is very similar to my extrapolation of the nature of the future, so for that reason I support marx more than the other philosophies, which I extrapolate are doomed to extinction sooner or later.  Maybe we can salvage some of the good social norms and practices and ideas from the other philosophies before they die out as intellectually credible beliefs in a measurable percentages of the population.  the future I envision has a place for some of the ideas from each philosophy, but mostly I predict and expect it to be closest to the marx vision of the future. The ecosystem of base ideas and experience that support capitalism and marxian and other philosophies is changing in predictable ways in my opinon. The extrapolated projection I make is that marxian philosophies or their evolutionary children will eventually dominate the idea ecosystem of our society.

    So I promote marx mostly and agree mostly with the marx arguments.  My solutions to the marx argument are quite different from his, but not incompatible or oppositional.  I'm a lateral thinker by profession and practice and training so I wouldn't on principle restrict my solution set to any particular idea collection such as marx offers.  Rather I believe in continuous evaluation of all ideas focused on and clustered non-lineary and orthogonally (on a n-dimensional cluster map of worlview beleifs) centered on marx or with marx near the center of overlapping venn diagrams of influence and attention.


    P.s. Sorry if that's information overload and too technical of an answer for some.  In plain english, I meant to say I agree with Marx critiques as accurate but incomplete. I think his solutions I find more agreeable than most and rate Marx solutions in the top 90% of solution ideas to "wicked problems" (see wkipedia for what this means if you care).  oops, sorry If this is hard to understand again.  I've been exploring non-cartesian reasoning lately and focused on statisitcal based decision making and communication systems lately.  Non-carteisian reasoning using massive statistical processing engineered and evolved to determine answers expediently is one of the research findings for how the human brain functions subconciously in the system1 unconcious "dual system theory" of pscyhology and cognitive neuroscience. so I've been trying out the statistical processing data based reasoning strategies lately and it's been great for thinking clearly and laterally about problems, but very bad for being fully understandable by the majority of the population.  In layman terms, I've started to sound like some sort of insane artificial intellegence program.  My appologies for the inconvenience you experience in trying to understand me. 

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