role of trade unions

July 2024 Forums General discussion role of trade unions

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    " There is nothing the unions can do which will substantially alter the way capitalism works " Pamphlets » Trade Unions –

    i agree….

    yours for socialism

    james h


    Thu, 24/11/2016 – 9:41pm#39JamesH81OnlineJoined:07/12/2014Send PM  spgb policy on trade unions is unique…. and just read a online swp pdf version on trade unions and could notice the difference…. Topreport editdeletequotereply


    yes been reading wsm / spgb on wiki – also civil war is no route…. – great news just confirms why i'm a member


    The Socialist Party and the World Socialist Movement is an unique political organization.In regards to the Workers Union we do not take the same stand of the Leninists and reformist organizations, that is another element which  differentiate us from  others organizations..We do not send the so called professional  'Cadres" to work inside the workers  unions

    moderator1 wrote:
    Thu, 24/11/2016 – 9:41pm#39JamesH81OnlineJoined:07/12/2014Send PM  spgb policy on trade unions is unique…. and just read a online swp pdf version on trade unions and could notice the difference…. Topreport editdeletequotereply

    One of those Trotskyists groups were asking to members of the workers union to support Saddam Hussein because he was an anti-imperialists, and they asked  for the nationalization of the Budweiser.The Socialist Party/WSM has never supported any type of war including the Vietcong, we have never asked workers or workers union to support wars, and we have never supported nationalism of any type. Leftist support the so called progressive nationalism.Many Leninist groups used to send their Cadres to work inside the union like secret agents, and then, inside the workers union each groups wanted to attract the workers to their so called  party line, it is an extension of the Vanguard Party Concept, and the minimum program. Our view toward the workers union is totally different. Are we Leninists ? Facts, and history applied to principles shows that we are not

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