talksocialism: reading groups and workshops – Newcastle

October 2024 Forums Events and announcements talksocialism: reading groups and workshops – Newcastle

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    Talksocialism is a group 'To change the framework in which millions of people think about political questions.' and

    'Talk Socialism has one aim: political education. We don’t stand candidates or endorse lists, or organise demonstrations or rallies. There are plenty of groups already working hard doing that.  Talk Socialism has no formal affiliation to any other group, but the groups listed below are fellow travellers who are campaigning for socialism.

    The Labour Party


    Red Labour '

    They run reading sessions and workshops in Newcastle


    Except that the very last thing this group is talking about is socialism.

    confused drivel wrote:
    The money available for investment in non-financial business is drying up. Without state support, all modern corporations would collapse. They depend upon state funded education, state funded transport, state funded law enforcement, and increasingly, state funded research and development. Oh, and of course, state funded bail-outs when they go bust.This raises the question: can’t we just rebalance capitalism: regulate the financial markets, and put rules in place about shareholders needing to act in the interests of long term sustainability?In theory, maybe; in practice, probably not because of increasing automation. But without doubt, some countries implement capitalism much better than others. For every relatively prosperous social-democratic country in the Scandinavian model, there are a dozen unstable poverty-blighted rampantly corrupt capitalist police states. There was a time before capitalism, and there will be a time after capitalism. It’s really a question of how we get there.
    Bijou Drains

    I'm intending to go along to their next meeting, if I can, and put the party case. If any other comrades/sympathisers in the North East fancy it, and perhaps a few bevvys afterwards, let me know.


    I haven't read their statement yet, so I'm only commenting on the passage you quote, Gnome, just to say that , taken at face value, it doesn't seem to necessarily be "confused drivel". It seems to be making the point that capitalism can't be "rebalanced" (cannot be reformed?) and so should be replaced by something else. That should provide Tim with a good way in to introduce socialism.I'm sure there must be other passages that might merit more being called "confused".

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    I'm intending to go along to their next meeting, if I can, and put the party case. If any other comrades/sympathisers in the North East fancy it, and perhaps a few bevvys afterwards, let me know.

    I really appreciate this, but double check it is still going before turning up or risk disappointment!

    ALB wrote:
    ….. just to say that , taken at face value, it doesn't seem to necessarily be "confused drivel". It seems to be making the point that capitalism can't be "rebalanced" (cannot be reformed?) and so should be replaced by something else.
    ….can’t we just rebalance capitalism: regulate the financial markets, and put rules in place about shareholders needing to act in the interests of long term sustainability?In theory, maybe…

    And you you don't think that statement demonstrates "confusion"?       I guess our definition of the word must be fundamentally at odds.

    It’s really a question of how we get there.

    As is invariably the case with these groups, they never specify what or where "there" is.

    gnome wrote:
    ….can’t we just rebalance capitalism: regulate the financial markets, and put rules in place about shareholders needing to act in the interests of long term sustainability?In theory, maybe…
    …in practice, probably not …
    ALB wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    ….can’t we just rebalance capitalism: regulate the financial markets, and put rules in place about shareholders needing to act in the interests of long term sustainability?In theory, maybe…
    …in practice, probably not …

    Yes, yes, I know what was said but within that phrase lies a prime example of this group's "confused drivel" which nicely illustrates my point. By way of analogy, when members of the audience at outdoor meetings at Speakers Corner in the 70s and 80s came out with the comment: "Socialism's a nice idea but it won't work", my old friend and comrade Harry Walters, when on the party's platform, always dished out the same response. "Well, it can't be a nice idea then, can it?"Geddit?

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