A new Middle Eastern alliance?

September 2024 Forums General discussion A new Middle Eastern alliance?

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    The Egyptian news site the Arab Observer Network reports that the visit to Israel of a former Saudi military intelligence officer, Gen. Anwar Eshki (he now heads the Saudi Institute for Strategic Studies) who met with Dore Gold, the general director of the Israeli foreign ministry, as well as Israeli members of parliament.


    No doubt strange bed-fellows based on the enemy of my enemy [Iran] is my friend. 

    Dave B

    I think the close relations of the Saudi’s with Israel is bit of old news really and has being going on for a while. And it looks like it all change again elsewhere. Erdogan Apologizes At the end of June, Erdogan apologized to President Vladimir Putin for the death of a Russian pilot who was killed when Turkey downed a bomber flying over Syrian territory last November. The shootdown prompted Putin to break off relations with Ankara ending all communication between the two countries. Then, in the last week of June, Erdogan sent a letter to Putin “expressing his deep sympathy and condolences to the relatives of the deceased Russian pilot.” He added that Russia was “a friend and a strategic partner” with whom the Turkish authorities would not want to spoil relations.” (The Turkish pilots who shot down the Russian Su-24 have since been arrested and charged as members of the Gulenist coup.) http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45150.htm I think to understand this kind of stuff properly one always has to get the DVD of the Godfather out again.  How about this from former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.  Money corrupts everything, and it is capitalism that turns everything into a commodity that is bought and sold. In capitalist regimes everything is for sale: honor, integrity, justice, truth.Everything is reduced to the filthy lucre.???????????? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45181.htm  


    Like an article written by the SPGB says : Not worth the paper. accords among capitalists can be violated, and they are not beneficial for the working classAlliances,  accords, pacts and agreement between capitalists is nothing new, and it has been done among capitalists who has different or opposite economical interests, but they have agreed in one point: To make profits and expand their national and world market, and when contradictions are sharpened between them they become enemies, and they break all the pacts, and agreements.The Western capitalists have been allies and friends of all the dictators and criminal who have existed over the face of the earth including Jose Stalin and Mao, when they did not need them, they became their enemies, or they were overthrown, or they find all kind of excuses and legal terms to invade them, or to kill them. The US government is an expert in that type of situation Ethnical origin, color of their skins,  nationality, or religion preference does not make any differences, those are secondary aspects. It is known that Saudi Arabia has financed the radical Muslim combatants and Israel has a hospital where they  provide medical attention to members of ISIS who have been injured in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and  Pakistan, and Iran has collaborated with the US and Iraq  against the Muslim radical

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