Chris Hedges on Luxemburg

September 2024 Forums General discussion Chris Hedges on Luxemburg

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  • #84834

    Some might find this essay an interesting read.

    She warns us that in a crisis, the liberal elites become our enemy. She cautions against terror and gratuitous violence. She urges us to maintain open, democratic structures to ensure that power rests with the people. She keeps us focused on the ultimate savagery of capitalism. She understands the danger of imperialism. And she reminds us that those of us committed to socialism, to building a better world, especially for the oppressed, must hold fast to this moral imperative. If we compromise, she knew, we extinguish hope.

    Dave B

    No doubt Chris enjoyed Rosa playing out the allegorical part of JC before Pontius pilate “Are you Frau Rosa Luxemburg?” Capt. Waldemar Pabst asked when she arrived at his office upstairs.“You decide for yourself,” she answered.“According to the photograph, you must be,” he said.“If you say so,” she said softly. eg Luke 23.   Something that was on her mind then with the crucify thing, and;   ……….Only the working class, through its own activity, can make the word flesh…… Making the word flesh is from the opening chapter of John.  Rosa LuxemburgSocialism and The Churches(1905)  Part Two  The Social-Democrats want to bring about the state of “communism”; that is chiefly what the clergy have against them. First of all, it is striking to notice that the priests of today who fight against “Communism” condemn in reality first Christian Apostles. For these latter were nothing else than ardent communists.The Christian religion developed, as is well known, in ancient Rome, in the period of the decline of the Empire, which was formerly rich and powerful, comprising the countries which today are Italyand Spain, part of France, part of Turkey, Palestineand other territories. The state of Romeat the time of the birth of Jesus Christ much resembled that of Czarist Russia. On one side there lived a handful of rich people in idleness, enjoying luxury and every pleasure; on the other side was an enormous mass of people rotting in poverty; above all, a despotic government, resting on violence and corruption, exerted a vile oppression. The whole Roman Empire was plunged into complete disorder, ringed round by threatening external foes; the unbridled soldiery in power practised its cruelties on the wretched populace; the countryside was deserted, the land lay waste; the cities, and especially Rome, the capital, were filled with the poverty stricken who raised their eyes, full of hate, to the palaces of the rich; the people were without bread, without shelter, without clothing, without hope, and without the possibility of emerging from their poverty. 

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