WSP(India) EC Minutes 1st May

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement WSP(India) EC Minutes 1st May

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    257 Baghajatin ‘E’ Block (East), Kolkata – 700086

    Tel: 2425-0208 / 7378 (ISD: 091, STD: 033)

    E-mail:; Website:



    Head Office, Sunday, May 1, 2016: Called to order: 7:00 PM


    Present (EC Members): Harisadhan Ghosh, Binay Sarkar, Pradip Singha, Sumitra Mondal


    Absent: None


    Attendee: Dipankar Roy


    Election: Chairperson: Harisadhan Ghosh on motion of Binay Sarkar and Sumitra Mondal; Minutes Writer: Pradip Singha


    EC Minutes No. 162 was read and confirmed on motion of Binay Sarkar and Pradip Singha


    Membership Application: None


    Correspondence: Please note that any comments in square brackets “[]” are comments from the General Secretary.



    SPGB Minutes of the 4th Meeting of the 113th Executive Committee. emails (29) – April 4 – 2, 6, 9 – 2, 10, 11 – 2, 13, 14 – 2, 16, 17, 18, 19 – 3, 20 – 3, 21 – 2, 22, 24, 27, 28 – 2, 30 – 2 communicating viewers from many countries and analytics.


    Outbound: Responses as required to incoming correspondence.


    MSC: To receive and file incoming and to endorse outgoing correspondence.


    Matters Arising:


    HISTORY OF ECONOMICS pamphlet: We are yet to arrange for wherewithal for printing 1000 copies. Comrades have agreed to contribute 1000 rupees each.


    Md. Tabrez Anwer is maintaining regular correspondence with the party via mobile phone


    SPGB Minutes, 2nd April 2016:

    vi. Correspondence concerning the WSP (India): Application of GP (India).

    Motion 5: “The EC agrees that Rule 3 does not apply in the case of GP. We request the Acting General Secretary to send a Form A to GP.” (Scholey/ Browne) Division (Browne). For: Scholey, Thomas, Browne, Foster, McLellan, Skelly.  Against: Cox. Abstain: Craggs. carried 6-1-1.

    The SPGB Rule 3 states:

    A member shall not belong to more than one Branch at the same time. A member may transfer to another Branch, including Central Branch where deemed appropriate by the EC, and provided a clear record be furnished by their last Branch. A member leaving Great Britain will only be permitted to retain his/her membership if there is not a Companion Party or Group in the country in which he/she is taking up residence. An Overseas group be established for members joining from other countries until they can form Companion Parties of their own.”

    • How could the SPGB EC reconcile the two meaningfully contradictory positions as above anyway?

    • How could they offer membership to a person from India, a citizen and resident of India where there is a Companion Party of the World Socialist Movement? What’s wrong with the World Socialist Party (India)? Isn’t it a derogatory case of intimidation?

    • Our political perspective is to replace capitalism by socialism peacefully and democratically by applying suffrage in elections.

    • Thus the task of all socialists in all counties is to educate and organize their fellow workers towards seizure of political powers state-wise and worldwide more or less simultaneously. How would then a party member of a different country who is a citizen of another country accomplish this key task by opposing the already existing Companion Party there?

    • Above all the person concerned here has unilaterally, motivationally and savagely attacked the WSP (I). How could he be considered for membership by another Companion Party of the WSM? Will he go to vote in Great Britain?

    • Will any Companion Party accept any similar move by the WSP (I) offering membership to a worker and citizen of another country where there is a Companion Party?

    MSC: That we urge on our Companion Parties of the WSM to ask the SPGB Executive Committee to drop this degrading move against the WSP (I).


    Reports of Executives and Committees:

    Advancement of the Movement:

    [B,Sarkar and P. Singha are going on posting and interacting on Facebook timelines. Harisadhan Ghosh is writing letters and articles in Bengali which are being published in various Kolkata based Bengali dailies.]


    About is a platform for academics to share research papers. The company's mission is to accelerate the world's research.


    Academics use to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow. 36,882,115 academics have signed up to, adding 12,015,438 papers and 1,859,781 research interests. attracts over 36 million unique visitors a month.

    They are now displaying our 29 papers and 9 drafts 15 books (actually 15 chapters of a book) and 2 teaching documents uploaded by BS.

    • On 4/16/2016 they emailed: You're now in the top 5% of researchers on!


    • On 4/28/2016 they communicated: You're now in the top 4% of researchers on Academia by 30-day views! THIRTY-DAY STATISTICS


    We see this platform very useful for uploading and propagating world socialist ideas. So we propose our comrades should make use of this opportunity.




    The World Socialist Party (India)_Discussion Forum and the website: are attracting new contacts.

    Facebook: Forum membership stands at 1,880

    Sunday Discussion: Every Sunday in the evening we meet to read and discuss Marxian Economics and other selected subjects.

    Literature: Party literature distribution is going on


    Socialist Standard: No arrival


    Unfinished Business: None


    New Business: None


    Financial Report:


    Collection of Dues:

    Financial Report: April 2016: (Rupees)

    Income: 320.00

    Expenditure: 1,192.00

    Deficit: 872.00

    Deficit BF: 17,644.00

    Net Deficit: 18,516.00

    Membership Subscription & Donation: Included in “Income” above.

    In view of the growing deficit that eats into BS’s pension income comrades have agreed to increase their monthly donations as follows: Binay Sarkar – Rs 500, Pradip Kr Singha – Rs 300, Harisadhan Ghosh – Rs 200 and Dipankar Roy – Rs 200

    MSC: To accept the financial report and to receive donations with thanks.


    Next EC Meeting: Head Office, Sunday, June 5, 2016, 5 PM


    Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 PM.

    Bijou Drains

    Am I the only one who is a little curious about the current EC's attitude to the rule book. I personally would be grateful if a member of the EC could come on the forum and explain the logic behind the following from the April meeting of the EC:vi. Correspondence concerning the WSP (India) Application of GP (India)Motion 5 The EC agrees that rule 3 does not apply in the case of GP. We request the acting General Secretary to send a Form A to GP (CARRIED 6-1-1)Looking at face value at the minutes of the WSP (india), I think the EC of the SPGB owe them and the members of the SPGB a full explanation.It is interesting that this decision occurred during the same meeting where the EC appear to have gone "Ultra vires" with regards to rule 17 and nominations to the rule book there merely for decoration, or does it have a purpose?


    I'm a little curious about the matter as detailed at face value in these minutes too.

    Gorachand Paramanik
    Socialist Party Head Office wrote:
     WORLD SOCIALIST PARTY (INDIA)257 Baghajatin ‘E’ Block (East), Kolkata – 700086Tel: 2425-0208 / 7378 (ISD: 091, STD: 033)E-mail:; Website:  MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 163Head Office, Sunday, May 1, 2016: Called to order: 7:00 PM  Present (EC Members): Harisadhan Ghosh, Binay Sarkar, Pradip Singha, Sumitra Mondal Absent: None Attendee: Dipankar Roy Election: Chairperson: Harisadhan Ghosh on motion of Binay Sarkar and Sumitra Mondal; Minutes Writer: Pradip Singha EC Minutes No. 162 was read and confirmed on motion of Binay Sarkar and Pradip Singha  Membership Application: None Correspondence: Please note that any comments in square brackets “[]” are comments from the General Secretary.  Inward: – SPGB Minutes of the 4th Meeting of the 113th Executive Committee.- emails (29) – April 4 – 2, 6, 9 – 2, 10, 11 – 2, 13, 14 – 2, 16, 17, 18, 19 – 3, 20 – 3, 21 – 2, 22, 24, 27, 28 – 2, 30 – 2 communicating viewers from many countries and analytics. Outbound: Responses as required to incoming correspondence.  MSC: To receive and file incoming and to endorse outgoing correspondence. Matters Arising:  HISTORY OF ECONOMICS pamphlet: We are yet to arrange for wherewithal for printing 1000 copies. Comrades have agreed to contribute 1000 rupees each.  Md. Tabrez Anwer is maintaining regular correspondence with the party via mobile phone SPGB Minutes, 2nd April 2016: vi. Correspondence concerning the WSP (India): Application of GP (India).Motion 5: “The EC agrees that Rule 3 does not apply in the case of GP. We request the Acting General Secretary to send a Form A to GP.” (Scholey/ Browne) Division (Browne). For: Scholey, Thomas, Browne, Foster, McLellan, Skelly.  Against: Cox. Abstain: Craggs. carried 6-1-1. The SPGB Rule 3 states: “A member shall not belong to more than one Branch at the same time. A member may transfer to another Branch, including Central Branch where deemed appropriate by the EC, and provided a clear record be furnished by their last Branch. A member leaving Great Britain will only be permitted to retain his/her membership if there is not a Companion Party or Group in the country in which he/she is taking up residence. An Overseas group be established for members joining from other countries until they can form Companion Parties of their own.”How could the SPGB EC reconcile the two meaningfully contradictory positions as above anyway? How could they offer membership to a person from India, a citizen and resident of India where there is a Companion Party of the World Socialist Movement? What’s wrong with the World Socialist Party (India)? Isn’t it a derogatory case of intimidation? Our political perspective is to replace capitalism by socialism peacefully and democratically by applying suffrage in elections. Thus the task of all socialists in all counties is to educate and organize their fellow workers towards seizure of political powers state-wise and worldwide more or less simultaneously. How would then a party member of a different country who is a citizen of another country accomplish this key task by opposing the already existing Companion Party there? Above all the person concerned here has unilaterally, motivationally and savagely attacked the WSP (I). How could he be considered for membership by another Companion Party of the WSM? Will he go to vote in Great Britain? Will any Companion Party accept any similar move by the WSP (I) offering membership to a worker and citizen of another country where there is a Companion Party?MSC: That we urge on our Companion Parties of the WSM to ask the SPGB Executive Committee to drop this degrading move against the WSP (I).  Reports of Executives and Committees: Advancement of the Movement: [B,Sarkar and P. Singha are going on posting and interacting on Facebook timelines. Harisadhan Ghosh is writing letters and articles in Bengali which are being published in various Kolkata based Bengali dailies.] is a platform for academics to share research papers. The company's mission is to accelerate the world's research. Academics use to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow. 36,882,115 academics have signed up to, adding 12,015,438 papers and 1,859,781 research interests. attracts over 36 million unique visitors a month.They are now displaying our 29 papers and 9 drafts 15 books (actually 15 chapters of a book) and 2 teaching documents uploaded by BS. On 4/16/2016 they emailed: You're now in the top 5% of researchers on!  On 4/28/2016 they communicated: You're now in the top 4% of researchers on Academia by 30-day views! THIRTY-DAY STATISTICS  ⃰ We see this platform very useful for uploading and propagating world socialist ideas. So we propose our comrades should make use of this opportunity.    The World Socialist Party (India)_Discussion Forum and the website: are attracting new contacts. Facebook: Forum membership stands at 1,880 Sunday Discussion: Every Sunday in the evening we meet to read and discuss Marxian Economics and other selected subjects. Literature: Party literature distribution is going on  Socialist Standard: No arrival Unfinished Business: None  New Business: None  Financial Report:  Collection of Dues:Financial Report: April 2016: (Rupees)Income: 320.00Expenditure: 1,192.00Deficit: 872.00Deficit BF: 17,644.00Net Deficit: 18,516.00Membership Subscription & Donation: Included in “Income” above. In view of the growing deficit that eats into BS’s pension income comrades have agreed to increase their monthly donations as follows: Binay Sarkar – Rs 500, Pradip Kr Singha – Rs 300, Harisadhan Ghosh – Rs 200 and Dipankar Roy – Rs 200MSC: To accept the financial report and to receive donations with thanks.  Next EC Meeting: Head Office, Sunday, June 5, 2016, 5 PM  Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 PM.

    A question is being raised how he (Binay Sarkar) is veridical ? he is denying the democracy.


    Veridical is a word I had never heard of before.


    That shows that some people for whom English is only their second language have a wider vocabularly than some native English-speakers ! I'd too hadn't seen it used before but it's obvious what it means but then I had to study Latin in school. If it's not obvious see here for instance: be a parliamentary way of accusing someone of not telling the truth.


    Some personal observations:

    Am I the only one who is a little curious about the current EC's attitude to the rule book. I personally would be grateful if a member of the EC could come on the forum and explain the logic behind the following from the April meeting of the EC: [unquote] May I suggest that you satisfy your curiosity by raising your concerns directly with the EC – rather than call for its members to jump through your proffered hoop?  Please note:1. That the WSP(I) minutes of their 1st May meeting were not on the EC agenda for the 7th May meeting. Indeed they were only posted on this Forum on 4th May.2. In any case afaik the EC has not received a request for explanation from the EC of the WSP(I). If one is forthcomig this writer hopes it will be couched in rather more temperate language that that used in the minutes of their May meeting which accuses the EC of “intimidation” and making “degrading moves against” them. (Please bear in mind that the Party is still operating without the services of a General Secretary or Assistant G.S.]

    vi. Correspondence concerning the WSP (India) Application of GP (India) [from the April meeting of the EC] Motion 5 The EC agrees that rule 3 does not apply in the case of GP. We request the acting General Secretary to send a Form A to GP (CARRIED 6-1-1) [unquote] It can be seen from the voting figures that the EC was divided on this. It was agreed that Rule 3 is not clear in the circumstances of this application. It seems to me that there are two possible approaches as to what to do when rules are ambiguous or unclear:– 1. Assume that everything is permitted that is not expressly forbidden or2. Assume that nothing is permitted unless it is expressly allowed.Rule 3 did not apply in GPs case because he had, I believe, been a member of SPGB Central Branch and was not “leaving Great Britain” but renewing his previous membership. The possibility of his successfully joining the WSP(I) seems exceedingly slim bearing in mind the acrimonious and sometimes bloodcurdling disagreements voiced on various parts of the Party web presence. Part of the problem here is that Rule 3 has not kept up with social developments and needs amending. Until then we should, I think, give applications of this kind plenty of elbow room providing that is we are satisfied that they agree witth the Party case,. My reading of the situation is that GP and the WSP(I) are unlikely to settle their differences.

    The following was somehow missed off my previous post and I cannot fathom how to edit it in:

    Am I the only one who is a little curious about the current EC's attitude to the rule book. I personally would be grateful if a member of the EC could come on the forum and explain the logic behind the following from the April meeting of the EC:[unquote] May I suggest that you satisfy your curiosity by raising your concerns directly with the EC – rather than call for its members to jump through your proffered hoop?Please note: 1. That the WSP(I) minutes of their 1st May meeting were not on the EC agenda for the 7th May meeting. Indeed they were only posted on this Forum on 4th May.2. In any case afaik the EC has not received a request for explanation from the EC of the WSP(I). If one is forthcomig this writer hopes it will be couched in rather more temperate language that that used in the minutes of their May meeting which accuses the EC of “intimidation” and making “degrading moves against” them.[Please bear in mind that the Party is still operating without the services of a General Secretary or Assistant G.S.]
    ALB wrote:
    That shows that some people for whom English is only their second language have a wider vocabularly than some native English-speakers ! I'd too hadn't seen it used before but it's obvious what it means but then I had to study Latin in school. If it's not obvious see here for instance: be a parliamentary way of accusing someone of not telling the truth.

    I'd only seen the term through studying philosophy of perception and Jon Searle's version of direct realism. A veridical experience is the opposite of hallucinatory one i.e a veridical experience is related to an actual state of the world but a hallucination is not…

    Bijou Drains
    DJP wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    That shows that some people for whom English is only their second language have a wider vocabularly than some native English-speakers ! I'd too hadn't seen it used before but it's obvious what it means but then I had to study Latin in school. If it's not obvious see here for instance: be a parliamentary way of accusing someone of not telling the truth.

    I'd only seen the term through studying philosophy of perception and Jon Searle's version of direct realism. A veridical experience is the opposite of hallucinatory one i.e a veridical experience is related to an actual state of the world but a hallucination is not…

    All well and good, but how do you know which one is which. Are those 24 foot high slugs at the bottom of my garden dancing a polka veridical or hallucinatory. Or more controversially do the EC view the rule book as a veridical reality or merely a transient hallucination?

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