WSPUS Centenary

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement WSPUS Centenary

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  • #84719

    Dear Comrades,

    The EC, at its meeting of 7th May, moved that it  is in favour of the Socialist Standard's July 2016 issue marking the WSPUS's centenary and suggests that calls for submissions to the SSPC on this theme be made.

    The deadline for submissions is usually the 15th of the month, i.e. 15th June 2016.


    Oliver Bond

    Acting General Secretary


     I forgot to add -Submissions from regular contributors to the Socialist Standard and from members of the World Socialism Movement, including those of the World Socialist Party of the United States, are welcome.They can either be emailed to or sent by post to Head Office.


    Have Ron or Karla and others been e-mailed direct?I have only seen ex-SPGBer Darren here and perhaps he might not forward this info. 


    Yes of course they have. We've actually got more articles than we probably need. It's going to be a special issue on socialism, real and imagined, in the US rather than just on the founding of the WSPUS 100 years ago.


    Will at least the main image and main title on the front page feature WSPUS?

    ALB wrote:
    Yes of course they have. We've actually got more articles than we probably need. It's going to be a special issue on socialism, real and imagined, in the US rather than just on the founding of the WSPUS 100 years ago.

    That sounds an advance.BTW, will there be space for the role our religion pamphlet played in the case against some New York Legislators who were removed from office?;view=1up;seq=9


    The WSPUS appearance on TV in 1975 has been uploaded here


    Can members from UK join the WSPUS? 


    "Can members from UK join the WSPUS?"3. A member shall not belong to more than one Branch at the same time. A member may transfer to another Branch, including Central Branch where deemed appropriate by the EC, and provided a clear record be furnished by their last Branch. A member leaving Great Britain will only be permitted to retain his/her membership if there is not a Companion Party or Group in the country in which he/she is taking up residence. An Overseas group be established for members joining from other countries until they can form Companion Parties of their own.Doesn't expressly forbid it but i think the spirit it was written in implies that the answer is no. But you will recall a current controversy concerning a member in India joining the SPGB when there exists the WSP(India) and they are disputing the EC decision to approve his membership. But i see no advantages to the WSPUS of possessing overseas members. Any assistance you can offer them does not require membership. 


    Vin said Thanks for that alan But I get no assistance as amember of the spgb only negativity and obstruction. A member of the usa has held his hand out in comradeship and I will accept itI have asked to join.Members of the SPGB refuse to accept me as a comrade. US welcome me and appreciate the work I am doing.I will feel free to get on with attracting members instead of wasting my time with infighting.I don't want to wast the few years I may have left in me  

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