Mailing list Charter

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Mailing list Charter

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  • #84681

    This charter was posted by the Moderator.  The Internet Committee are in breach of this Charter. No where are they given the authority to suspend a member indefinately for a single breach.


    Mar 5 9:27 PM

    The Socialist Party of Great Britain operates two public mailing

    * spintcom — discussion of internal Party affairs and organisation

    * spopen — general discussion of matters of interest to Party members

    Both mailing lists can be read by members of the public. The Party's
    Internet Department is responsible for managing and moderating the
    mailing lists.


    * Only current members of the Socialist Party of Great Britain may
    post messages to spintcom. Only current members of the SPGB or of
    another Companion Party of the World Socialist Movement may post
    messages to spopen.

    * All posts must be on topic.

    * No personal attacks. Neither post nor respond to incendiary

    Moderators will remove any posts in violation of the above rules.
    Posters who repeatedly violate the rules may have their posts screened
    by the moderators. In extreme cases moderators may suspend posting
    privileges. In the event of a dispute regarding the application of
    the rules, the aggrieved party shall have right of appeal first to the
    moderators, then to the Internet Department, then to the Executive


    In addition, please at least consider the following posting
    guidelines. Guidelines are not rules, they are not enforced, and
    ignoring a guideline is acceptable community behaviour. However, we
    feel they make the forum more useful for the majority.

    * Specify an appropriate and meaningful subject line for your message
    so that readers can decide at a glance whether the message will
    interest them. Avoid generic subjects such as "Announcement" or
    "For your information". When replying, make certain the subject
    line of your message is still relevant to the reply. If it isn't,
    change it.

    * Please don't top-post (that is, replying at the top and leaving the
    quoted text at the bottom). It breaks continuity and everyone has
    to guess what points you're referring to exactly.

    * When replying, quote only the relevant portion of the original
    message. For example, it is particularly undesirable to have a
    three-line response followed by 800 lines of quoted text.



    As can be seen from this email from the IC, Ia am being punished for something I allegedly said in 2012/13 Is this surreal?Dear Cde Maratty,The spintcom rules provide that the mailing list moderators, not theInternet Committee, are to hear appeals in the first instance. The spintcom rules do not require moderators to issue warnings, but in anycase you have already been reminded of the rules several times both on- andoff-list.  I could refer you to (for example) my e-mail to you of 14January 2013, which summarizes several on-list warnings (including oneabout personal attacks) concerning threads you had begun or wereparticipating in.  The mailing list rules have not changed since then buthave been occasionally reposted for the benefit of you and other comrades.I know you were familiar with the rules on personal attacks as you haveoccassionally written to the moderators to complain about what youconsidered to be personal attacks by others. In view of the above and of your history of disruption (see the EC minutesfor November 2012 through March 2013 and the associated correspondence),the moderators have upheld the decision to suspend you indefinitely.  Ifyou wish you may escalate your appeal to the Internet Committee. Yours for Socialism,Tristan Millerspintcom/spopen moderator

    Bijou Drains

    I think any reasonable member or sympathiser can see the pedantic approach of moderators with regards to this matter. In my opinion they should hang there heads in shame at the way they have treated Cde Marratty. I for one will not be letting the matter rest.


    Thank you comrade. With the support and encouragement I have received this time around I am staying. Let's take this to the Party as a whole and bring the Internet committee to boot 


    I have now been suspended from Spopen Greetings.Cde Maratty has been suspended from spopen for continuing to use this mailing list to air complaints about his suspension on another list, instead of following the procedure the Party has laid out. A similar suspension was made several years ago and upheld by the EC (see Motion 14 of the March 2013 EC minutes).Yours for socialism,Tristan Millerspopen/spintcom moderator




    "In view of the above and of your history of disruption (see the EC minutesfor November 2012 through March 2013 and the associated correspondence),the moderators have upheld the decision to suspend you indefinitely.  Ifyou wish you may escalate your appeal to the Internet Committee." Tristan Miller 'Disruption'?? It is what we are doing now. That's all.  Called open democracyThen,  it was 'disruption'


    Mailing list charterlol Pigs in Animal Farm

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