Material World: Socialism Seeks Well-being For All

September 2024 Forums Comments Material World: Socialism Seeks Well-being For All

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    Coincidently, the Lancet has an article on traditional/spiritual healing in regards to mental health.Free registration

    ConclusionsDespite the limitations of the published literature, it seems reasonable to conclude that many people, especially those with less severe complaints and positive expectations, derive subjective benefit from attending their chosen traditional or spiritual healers. Value seems to exist in attending a traditional healer for those who choose to do so and who find the process meaningful. This benefit might occur without a concomitant improvement in symptoms. The effective component of healing is often unclear, although intensive regular social interventions generally achieve superior outcomes to brief single interventions. That said, little evidence is available to suggest that traditional healers are effective in changing the course of major psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Additionally, harms could be associated with traditional healing, which we have not reviewed here. For patients who have cultural and spiritual beliefs not in line with those of conventional psychiatry, the possibility exists for more holistic care, and potential synergies, if collaboration between healing systems is facilitated. This topic should be an area of active research.

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    A more detailed article has appeared in the Guardian describing the practice of Pasung in Indonesia with the headline "a living hell"'s 250 million people, has only about 800 psychiatrists and 48 mental hospitals, more than half of which are in just four of its 34 provinces. 90% of those who may need to access mental health services are unable to do so. 


    Indigenous community in Canada has declared a state of emergency after 11 residents attempted to take their own lives in a single day over the weekend. The community also witnessed 26 suicide attempts in March and 86 since September, resulting in at least one death…

    indigenous people – despite accounting for about 4% of the population – make up more than half of the children in the child welfare system, nearly a quarter of inmates in federal prisons and a disproportionately high number of women who are missing or murdered.
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