Hillary Clinton 2016

July 2024 Forums General discussion Hillary Clinton 2016

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    Allegations have surfaced that Hillary Clinton's SuperPAC is paying $1m for trolls to disrupt the Sanders campaignhttps://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4fupos/paid_digital_astroturfing_effort_by_correct_the/https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4fu7o0/subreddit_announcement_expected_influx_of/https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4fwwmf/hillary_clinton_spends_1_million_to_troll_sanders/

    "Former PR worker here, 99% of our job is to convince people that something that is fucking them over is actually good for them. The whole concept of 'shills' has somehow became a conspiracy theory when in reality it's just PR workers who are paid by a company to defend their product/service. My last job was defending fracking.Anytime a post containing keywords was submitted to a popular website we where notified and it was our job to just list off talking points and debate the most popular comments. Fracking was an easy one to defend because you could paint people as anti-science if they where against it. The science behind fracking is sound and if done properly is safe, so you just focus on this point. You willfully ignore the fact that fracking is done by people who almost never do it properly and are always looking to cut corners. Your talking points usually contain branching arguments if people try to debate back. For example my next point would be to bring up that these companies are regulated so they couldn't cut corners or they would be fined, all the while knowing that these agencies are either underfunded or have been captured by the very industry they are trying to regulate.The final talking point, if someone called you out on all your counterpoints, was to simply try to paint them as a wackjob. Suggest they are crazy for thinking agencies who are suppose to protect them have been bought and paid for. Bring up lizard people to muddy the waters. A lot of people will quickly distance themselves from something if it is accused of being a conspiracy theory, and a lot of them are stupid enough that you can convince them that believing businesses conspiring to break the law to gain profit is literally the same as believing in aliens and bigfoot.Edit: Just to clarify I am not an expert in the field of fracking, I am just a PR worker who worked on a fracking campaign and used it as an example. I got into a few heated debates about fracking in replies to this comment and some things I said might be wrong because as I said I am not an expert. I don't want this to take away from the actual point of this comment which is to make people aware of PR workers and how they try to sway online discussions."

    The Young Turks have provided me with a treasure-house of Hilarity's abuses in her contest with Sanders. They are just too numerous to cite. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1yBKRuGpC1tSM73A0ZjYjQ


    A TYT clip of social media interventions by Clintonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKhu4HHl_gc


    Her lies are not so important, that is not new within the US officials. Those email messages are just evidences proving  that the US government is a criminal institution conducted by gangsters, and that they have made alliances with terrorists and criminals for many years. 


    I thought the Nevada convention was disgracefully rigged.


    Here's a comparison of the popularity of Hillary and Bernie Sandershttps://i.redd.it/jwag80rb2l0x.jpg


    Another video of her lies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI


    In Argentina ex-presidents, military and corrupted politicians have been  sent to jail , and in the USA the presidents  and their ministers, and members of congress are a bunch of criminals and murderers and they have never been processed by the so called justice system, and instead of that,  they are living like kings and protected by security forces paid by the state, and providing public speeches to get richerHillary Clinton is a proven criminals and murderer, and she is the presidential nominee of the USA, and her husband who is another criminal probably will be in the white house too.  They can also elect Al Capone and any serial killer as the president of the USA. The ironic thing in this  situation is that two of the  most unpopular personalities are the front runner for the presidency of the USA They are just talking about the  illegality of the emails and the private server used, but they do not say that those email are living evidences that the US government is an institution presided by gangsters, terrorists and criminals, and they make alliance with all kind of terrorists in order to invade others countries, and steal their natural resources, and they show her involvement in the violent coup in Honduras, and  her participation in Haiti along with her husband. Her criminal activities are traced back to  the war in Kosovo. In the so called Banana Republics presidents are elected by popular supports, and by direct votes, and peoples have real party membership, and they work for  the nominations and the election of their parties members, and a carpenter can become a senator, and their political parties provided political educations to their members, and they have a large variety of political organizations, communists and socialist parties have access to the radio and television,  but in the USA they have the dictatorship of one party divided into two parties, and the electoral process  can be easily  manipulated for electoral fraud, and is  controlled by delegates who are lobbyists of the large corporations, and during the electoral period radio and television earn large amount of money, and the journalists are just cardboard readers  

    alanjjohnstone wrote:

    Her husband is also a liar like her, and a crook and murderer like her too. The difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is that he has not killed anybody yet. Any man or woman with principles would never desire to be president of the US cause they will be forced to become war criminals, and if they do not do that they will be killed or overthrown. It is one of the few advanced  capitalist countries around the world who has assassinated presidents in several occasions, and nobody has been able to discover who the real killers were, and real evidences are state secrets or classified documents. For years the US government denied their involvement in the killing of Salvador Allende, and the CIA papers showed that it was just a lie, and now they are trying to cover up the enrollment of Hillary Clinton in the coup of Honduras, the electoral frauds, and the overthrowing of Zelaya, and the chaos that the country is facing at the present time. Peoples should vote for Al Capone, at least he was serving soups during the great depression to feed the poor Ironically Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the most unpopular presidential candidates but they have been nominated to become president How can that be explained to a rational mind ?  it does show that presidents are elected by a minority group of voters, and there,  is an electoral machinery that place  in power the most favorable candidates of the ruling class, and peoples believe that they have power, freedom,  and control. In the capitalist world peoples do not even own the cemeteries, and the only freedom that  human beings have  in this world is the freedom  to elect our own masters and exploiters


    We now see how Wall St are pre-empting any "radicalism" in Hilarity Clinton's choice of Vice-President but threatening to close down endorsements and donations if Elizabeth Warren is her choice. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/elizabeth-warren-wall-street-vice-president-224489


    Here are some of the people endorsing Clinton:* Max Boot – A hard-line war hawk and self-declared “American imperialist”* Eliot Cohen – Founding Signatory for the Project for the New American Century * Robert Kagan – A former Bush administration official who has been called “the most influential neocon in academe”* Richard Armitage – Former Deputy Secretary of State who admitted that he was the source who first revealed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame* Madeline Albright – Who said it was “worth it” in describing the 500,000 Iraqi children who died because of U.S. sanctions* Brent Scowcroft – National Security adviser to Bush #1* Henry Paulson – Former Treasury Secretary and key bailout architect* Leon Panetta – Former Director of the CIA* Dan Senor, a leading neoconservative operative and former foreign policy advisor to Mitt Romney, who declared, “Hillary is more hawkish than any of us!”This is just a partial list …. and now includes Bernie Sanders

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    This is just a partial list …. and now includes Bernie Sanders

    Not according to thishttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/28/bernie-sanders-just-gave-an-amazingly-condescending-interview-about-hillary-clinton/


    Yes, mea culpa, he has not officially endorsed Clinton.

    Do you see a distinction between voting for her and endorsing her, or are they one and the same?SANDERS: No, they're not one and the same.

    I think he is playing politics to salve his conscience. Or, more likely, he is still engaged in the negotiations for what goes into the Democratic manifesto and his official endorsement is one of the cards he is holding. It is distinction without  difference. 

    Asked if he would vote for Clinton in November, Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, told MSNBC television: “Yes. The issue right here is I’m going to do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump.

    He opts for the lesser evil argument, even though in Vermont it is a comfortably safe seat for the Democrats where he could enjoy the luxury, as does Chomsky in Mass., to vote Green. Vermont is not a swing state so by saying he is voting Clinton, it is a de facto endorsement , imho.   

    Dave B

    Well things are heating up a bit re hacked Hillary’s Emails. This could turn into a fascinating soap opera. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-36695722  Apparently she has ‘lost’ a load of them because they were ‘deleted’; but the Russians say that they could help out there because they already have them along with Wikileaks. The private social meeting, with drinks, of husband Bill with the Attorney General on private Lear Jets after bumping into each other in a VIP lounge is factual apparently, exposed by gobshite leftists? There is also a allegation of a rape of a 13 year old girl against Trump running around the media mill that will probably end up having enough legs to run into the election.

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