Sure we are all aware we are being watched by CCTV but now the tv's can detect how you really feel about things and what you think about them…even if you yourelf can't !!
Face-scanning facial movements on a second-by-second basis and the results are divided into six possible emotions: sadness, puzzlement, happiness, fear, rejection and surprise to measure subconscious responses people have to visual content.
The BBC with all positiveness says it will help gauge how viewers react to particular programmes to determine likes and dislikes. Commercial TV will obviously use it to design their adverts impact…make their commercials more responsive to our emotions
More alarmingly that the government will use it to determine how we respond to news bulletins and their public statements on policies on news and current affair programmes …ultimately having the power to determine if we respond acquiescently or subversively…Big Brother really watching you and "reading" your thoughts and mind.
Am i too paranoid? Too suspicious? Read too many Philip K Dick books?
How will socialism use such technology? Is this an answer to the ECA critics that we cannot quantify true demand when people take from the shelves freely and without showing real demand by willingness to pay an actual price for something?… Could we dispense with juries in courts by simply using a camera as a lie detector…?..the ramifications if this technology grows in complexity is astounding.