Peter Watkins: A Revolutionary Film-Maker pt.2

September 2024 Forums Comments Peter Watkins: A Revolutionary Film-Maker pt.2

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  • #114989

    ffs workers are having tax credits cut and causing extreme suffering. Show our concern.


    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Peter Watkins: A Revolutionary Film-Maker pt.2.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    "ffs workers are having tax credits cut and causing extreme suffering. Show our concern."Have you read the articles in question? We can be as concerned as you like, but the conclusion of the articles is spot on."Watkins should be recognised more among socialists not only for his critique of the power of the media, but also in suggesting a positive alternative style of film-making: docudramas largely improvised by non-professional actors, and a new way of organising society in opposition to global capitalism. His films concerning history, war, pop culture, the oppressive role of the state in capitalism, late 1960s radicalism, the Paris Commune, and the role of artists, are always relevant to socialists."


    I  recall being enthralled by Punishment Park when i first saw it as a teenagerIt is available here to view women strikers so very long ago said, Vin, we struggle for roses as well as bread.I am very happy that the Standard carries arty articles. 


    As post script to above….i think i was on acid at the time i saw it and thought it was real…I'm no longer tripping and part of me now knows it is indeed real…just look at Guantamano Bay


    The reason we still have capitalism is that the majority accept capitalist ideology, and one of the ways that this ideology is spread and reinforced is through film and the media. The article is a fine explanation of this..


    A related thread to be found on the Libcom website (and incidentally a mention and links to the Standard's reviews)

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