Who are the real terrorists?

September 2024 Forums General discussion Who are the real terrorists?

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    There were estimated 43,900 excess deaths in England and Wales last winter, highest number since 1999, figures show

    It's tempting to say that it's natural that there are more deaths in Winter, it's ruddy cold.  Yet, the UK has a higher number than countries with comprarable climates.  Tens of thousands of deaths, each year, from poverty.


    Here's the link to ONs:http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-health2/excess-winter-mortality-in-england-and-wales/2014-15–provisional–and-2013-14–final-/stb-ewm.htmlAnd, a quick search for scholarly articles:

    Conversely,Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands appear to suffer far less from excess winter mortality.



    As someone who has a serious genetic illness, Cystic Fibrosis, this is an issue that is important to me. I've no doubt that poverty is a factor in the UK regarding winter deaths. However my personal experience year after year tells me another factor is at work. Sheer ignorance and selfishness.Most healthy people don't consider the implications for those of us who are more susceptible to the ravages of a cold or flu virus. Every year we are persuaded of the miracle properties of various cold and flu remedies designed to mask symptoms and help people get to work and get on with their life etc. The fact they will be spreading the virus everywhere they go is of no concern. 

    Experts say the strain of flu circulating last year had a greater impact on older people, resulting in a number of care home outbreaks and admissions to intensive care.
    Caroline Abrahams, at Age UK, said: "Behind the figures are many individual tragedies of older people dying needlessly before their time."

    For flu outbreaks to occur in care homes, the virus has to be brought in, usually by selfish fuckheads going to work ill or visiting.

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