How to Disagree

September 2024 Forums General discussion How to Disagree

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  • #84195



    The opening  and the closing paragraphs of John Keracher's Head-Fixing Industry first posted on an abortive website project

    In this struggle, the power of thought is a mighty weapon. Let us learn to wield it more and more effectively. Let us bring the revolutionary ideas of the modern proletarian movement to the front, so as to uproot capitalism and establish a new social order. Let us sweep away, not only the head-fixing industry of capitalism, but also sweep away the system of profit making that is served by the head-fixing industry.

    This probably belongs more here than on the "Jeremy Corbyn to be elected Labour leader" thread.

    gnome wrote:
    robbo203 wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    robbo203 wrote:
    But does Cameron (say) believe in the things that Corbyn believes in? Clearly not. Beyond the fact that for neither of them their political horizons don't extend beyond capitalism and some kind of configuration in which the market and the state both play a role, they don't seem to have much in common, do they? 

    FFS, what else do they need to have in common to be seen as the anti-socialists they both are?  They both believe that capitalism, suitably 'adjusted', can be made to work in the interests of us all.  At least with Cameron workers know, or should know, what they're going to get; with Corbyn there's an attractive label on his bottle describing the contents as an elixir, which when eventually opened, turns out to be remarkably similar and as equally unpalatable as the snake oil in all the other bottles.

    Going in with all guns blazing as far as Corbyn is concerned is a recipe for simply shooting yourself in the foot

    "Guns blazing"?  What are you on about; been watching too many Westerns, Robin?   Look, it's always been 'horses for courses' but when one's dealing with a quasi-religious phenomenen it matters little which approach is taken when confronting those who find the allure of a 'pied-piper' quite irresistible.  Ask the party member whose spouse was totally unconvinced by laid-back, calm and reasoned argument and ended up joining the Labour Party in the days following the coronation of King Corbyn.

    Gnome,Please pass these links on to the party member you mention in your post.


    Links to two much better articles about the backfire effect than the ones I previously linked to can be found below.


    It just struck me that informing people about the backfire effect, may in fact backfire.

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