Russell Brand heckled

September 2024 Forums General discussion Russell Brand heckled

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    Report of an incident at Saturday's anti-austerity march:


    Not everyone was pleased to see Mr Brand participate: while he famously said that he was against voting, he interviewed former Labour leader Ed Miliband before the May election and came out in support of the party, while telling people to vote Green in Brighton.

    Such a u-turn was not welcome by a small group of people who hurled abuse Mr Brand as he awaited his appearance on stage. One person shouted, "Sell us a book on revolution and then tell us to vote Labour? You're a turncoat!"

    It wasn't us but it could have been. From now on he's going to remembered more for famously saying Vote Labour rather than Don't Vote. His reputation as a revolutionary will never recover.


    Last time the Standard covered Russell Brand, his videos were described as a welcome window into reality. This was after he made known his support for the Green party, a principle he stood fast on when the SPGB contested Brighton. Not sure Brand ever had a reputation as a revolutionary, but the Standard did, I trust it will recover.


    Well, well. Surprise, surprise!


    At the time of the Iraq invasion i switched to being a reader of the Independent which had a much more critical analysis of the phony WMD motive. Sadly a few years later and the paper changed ownership and its coverage has swung to the right. I no longer judge the paper as offering genuine balanced reporting. Its reporting of Ukraine and Putin has verged on war-mongering. The story which i read of Brand being heckled is very much the sort of article i have come to expect of the Independent.   Asa professional stand-up comedian whatever insults were thrown in his direction he is well accustomed to hecklers. It won't faze him in the slightest.Genuine criticism may well do.   


    I have tweeted Brand with " Fake revolutionary (Russell Brand) Debates with real Revolutionary (@OfficialSPGB) or do you not have the balls?"Not received a response.  


    What do you hope to achieve by antagonising him?

    jondwhite wrote:
    What do you hope to achieve by antagonising him?

     Not bothered. I antagonise and heckle Andy Burnham, too. It is probably their support for the Labour Party that brings it out. or perhaps Brand's treatchery.    

    Vin wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    What do you hope to achieve by antagonising him?

     Not bothered. I antagonise and heckle Andy Burnham, too. It is probably their support for the Labour Party that brings it out. or perhaps Brand's treatchery.    

    I'm guessing you don't actually think this is conducive to a good public relations strategy for the party?


    Many of those chanting "ff back to Miliband" , would be SWPers!  Not knowing their own parties history, or quietly, forgetting it? 


    I wouldn't have thought so. They are more likely to have been class-struggle anarchists. After all, the SWP was advocating voting Labour in most constituencies. See this fro Socialist Worker of 14 April:

    Millions of workers who do not think much of Ed Miliband will nevertheless vote Labour to eject the Tories and block Ukip. In a withered and distorted way Labour retains a link to organised workers through the union leaders. If there is no left or radical candidate then we are for voting Labour.

    Since there won't have been more than 200 such candidates on their definition this was a call to vote Labour in the other 450 constituencies.


    Anytime I say they said "vote labour" , I'm told they don't anymore?! Respect springs to mind.


    Now you've got an official statement from their National Secretary, Charlie Kimber, to throw back at them !

    If there is no left or radical candidate then we are for voting Labour.

    I watched that video…….the language is bad. 

    jondwhite wrote:
    I'm guessing you don't actually think this is conducive to a good public relations strategy for the party?

    I think it is or I wouldn't do it. What is it you disagree with in my tweet?Brand is not a Fake revolutionary? The SPGB are fake revolutionaries?Or the bit where I ask him if he has the courage to do it? After all he has interviewed pro capitalists and completely ignored me.I was also blocked by Owen Jones for pointing out that the Labour party was pro capitalist. Do I need to change my strategy, do you think?


    To the video, I sort of think he shouldn't have been there. As is being said, he says  buy my book on revolution, then says, "vote for the status quo"! 

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