Twitter and reformism.

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Twitter and reformism.

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    Should we consider it reformist for a member of the SPGB or the or the Official Party twitter account  to follow non-socialists on twitter?



    Something else to think about.Is it reformist to attempt to communicate the socialist message via means of communication  other than the official Party internet sites, pamphlets, and publications such as The Socialist Standard?


    Taken literally, yes, it is 'reformist' for a member of the SPGB to follow non-socialists on twitter.Taken practically – then no, it is not 'reformist'.As for non-party-controlled means of communication, of course using these is not 'reformist', and to take the attitude that 'non-party-controlled means of communication' are out could only be a sectarian mindset.

    jondwhite wrote:
    Taken literally, yes, it is 'reformist' for a member of the SPGB to follow non-socialists on twitter. 

    Would you say subscribing to a non socialist journal/website  is reformist? 'Rev Left'? Lib Com?As far as I am concerned it is not reformist to subscribe to a Conservative Party Journal, for example, and to write letters to the editor. When you 'follow' on twitter you are subscribing to the account NOT the organisation. You are asking for their updates so that you may respond. You are not supporting their organisation. By not following we are missing out on a lot.    


    Is this an academic discussion or are twitter accounts for the party neglecting to follow other twitter users?If its an academic discussion, then from the Communist Manifesto, Chapter 2

    In what relation do the Communists stand to the proletarians as a whole?  The Communists do not form a separate party opposed to the other working-class parties.  They have no interests separate and apart from those of the proletariat as a whole.  They do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mould the proletarian movement.

    and from the German Ideology

    The individuals composing the ruling class possess among other things consciousness, and therefore think. Insofar, therefore, as they rule as a class and determine the extent and compass of an epoch, it is self-evident that they do this in its whole range, hence among other things rule also as thinkers, as producers of ideas, and regulate the production and distribution of the ideas of their age: thus their ideas are the ruling ideas of the epoch.

    If this is actually happening, then someone needs to pull their finger out and get following other twitter users on twitter.We are resolutely against all reforms, but it doesn't apply here in the way literalist interpretations might assume.

    jondwhite wrote:
    We are resolutely against all reforms, but it doesn't apply here in the way literalist interpretations might assume.

    But we're not. The Socialist Party is opposed to reformism – the policy of advocating reforms, either as a way of 'improving' capitalism or as a means to socialism – but we are not necessarily against individual reforms which may be of benefit to the working class.

    gnome wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    We are resolutely against all reforms, but it doesn't apply here in the way literalist interpretations might assume.

    But we're not. The Socialist Party is opposed to reformism – the policy of advocating reforms, either as a way of 'improving' capitalism or as a means to socialism – but we are not necessarily against individual reforms which may be of benefit to the working class.

    How do we apply this to following users on twitter?

    jondwhite wrote:
    Is this an academic discussion or are twitter accounts for the party neglecting to follow other twitter users? party's official twitter account follows 5 users.  I am told by a member of the  internet commitee that it is up to the member running the account  to decide who to follow.At least one member of the Internet Committee believes 'following' on twitter equals reformism. So I can only assume that the account holder believes the same.When did the party decide this?Is this acceptable? Personally I don't think that it is.I cannot find terms of reference for the IC but I am sure they include control of the party's websites and accounts.It is up to the IC as an appointed committee to give guidance to the account holder pending a Party-wide decision or EC instruction. In the meantime we are loosing out.


    Twitter is a relatively recent mode of communication. To get the most out of it, it must be used in a specific way. If it's used sparingly, it's obvious the Party exposure will be small.


    ..Like was said previously, if anyone has any suggestions about the twitter account (or any other suggestions relating to another committee etc) they are best of contacting that individual / committee concerned rather than posting messages about it here…@OfficialSPGB can be contacted via private message on twitter…


    Nothing wrong in discussing how to use a new form of communication to spread the socialist message. This is a general discussion about the SPGB use of Twitter and how it should be used  to gain the most exposure. I don't think it's about providing a list of groups or individuals to follow. 


    There's nothing wrong with discussion for sure. But suggestions posted here will not automatically reach who ever it is that needs to see them…

    DJP wrote:
    ..Like was said previously, if anyone has any suggestions about the twitter account (or any other suggestions relating to another committee etc) they are best of contacting that individual / committee concerned rather than posting messages about it here…@OfficialSPGB can be contacted via private message on twitter…

    That is your opinion or is it a warning?Surely internet committee members have access to this forum? What is their/your attutude to following non socialists on twitter?I would encourage contributions to this discussion unless the IC are telling me to stop raising the matter in'public' lol 

    DJP wrote:
    There's nothing wrong with discussion for sure. But suggestions posted here will not automatically reach who ever it is that needs to see them…

    The party needs to see them Committees ignore or do nothing


    Does anyone know if the election manifesto has been tweeted to the main media and political twitter accounts? 

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