The “Asshole Effect”

July 2024 Forums General discussion The “Asshole Effect”

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    The "asshole effect" – or how plutocracy reproduces and reinforces itself in an increasingly unequal world. So no point in going cap-in-hand to the top 1% then….  Get ready to sharpen up those pitchforks, folks!


    A nasty example of this was reported in the press recently when Conrad Hughes Hilton III (hotel heir and brother of Paris) threw a wobbler on a transatlantic flight.  During his expletive laden rampage through the plane, he told them he would "own" anyone on the flight, that they were all "peasants" and that his dad would pay for any damage he had caused.There was a tv "reality" series not too long ago where youngsters had to stay for a while in families får removed from their own social class.  Many of the upper class young people had no idea at all how the "lower orders" lived; some got a better understanding of what others not so privileged were going through as a result of living in their homes for a period of time.The problem is the super rich are insulated from contact with "the 99%".  They spend their time breathing special clean air in luxurious metal tubes flying from luxury pad to sumptuous hotel around the globe.Workers are there to do their bidding at any time – just think of Dominique Strauss Kahn and his treatment of the chamber maid.  Then there is the Oxbridge educated elite of the UK and the way they dominate politics and just about any position worth having in terms of power and rewards – the list goes on.  Yes, they feel entitled by the bucket loads and it is sickening and infuriating.


    Time for revolution and time not to mince words at the General election.


    A good article! The bit about Ayn Rand was true, she did live off taxpayer-funded social security while spouting off about the glory of greed. She also supported her husband who was a painter (he painted still life, not walls and ceilings). Hypocrite!I found this part of The Guardian article very interesting:"Even people simply primed to feel rich helped themselves to more sweets meant for children in a lab next door than those primed to feel disadvantaged. The reason, it turns out, is that even thoughts of being wealthy can create a feeling of increased entitlement…"This might explain why so many middle class people vote Conservative even though Conservative policies hurt the middle class. If middle class voters can be convinced that they are or will be wealthy then they'll vote Conservative. 

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