Peace and Trade Unions !

July 2024 Forums General discussion Peace and Trade Unions !

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  • #83699

    A question that came out of the meeting in Oxford hustings: How do you reconcile trade unions and a peaceful transition to Socialism …. ! ? ! ?


    I think this is a mistake along the lines of Thatchers saintly response to unrest among miners"Where there is conflict, let us bring peace."Trade unions do not cause conflict or strife. Rival class interests cause conflict and strife.


    Could you provide more context?  I mean, by definition, the simple refusal to work is a peaceful act, we're not murdering anyone, simply demonstrating the need for our labour?  It strikes me that strong trade unions are an essential part of a peaceful revolution.


    Another term for the General Strike is "Folded Arms" …Non-violence…civil disobedience…nothing about barricades…simply passive non-cooperation. I do tend to share the old SLP approach,….sword and shield …and like them i'm happy to switch roles …whether it is political action or industrial action that is the sword or shield will depend on circumstances


    Yes good point. Trade unionism is the defensive action to the extent that some SPGBers took the view they could not raise wages and could only stop wages from falling. Political action is the offensive action. Swords and shields as the SLP brilliantly put it as you mention.

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