i read this review
First time i seen Bernstein called a left marxist and placed in the same category as Pannekoek…but that's an aside. It seems to be another of those Wolffe and Alperovitz type proposals for worker owned/controlled economy and Ellen Brown's community banks (he cites Girobank and i have to admit i often defend it and regret its passing…a peccadillo of mine as an ex-postie and also when on the dole …my weekly giro visit to the post office).
He creates the concept of "market-state complex" to substitute for our state-capitalist terms…and his aspiration…"democratically regulated market"…another version of "market socialism" with the human touch
i did find this useful …"Malleson distinguishes between models of society as blueprints and as compasses, the former being didactic and precise, the latter flexible and general." ….some people know i have tried to argue that we lack offering a mre detailed perspective of the society we seek and we should remedy this omission…
What i found unsettling with the review is how the so called "revolutionary" economic alternatives..are things like Parecon…not free access. Once again for someone who describes an affinity with Kropotkin…there is a lack of credibility offered to his abolition of wage labour… But as i say…it is troublesome that traditional socialist goals are not even referred to as an option…we are under the radar once again and some form of managed capitalism is the dominating scenario.
To repeat, we have our work cut out just to be included as an option to be rejected…we aren't even of that importance yet and that the worrying thing…no market, no money, no prices, no wages, type of economy is no longer raised as something to be analysed and dismissed …Von Mises have done their job effectively by removing socialism as a realistic possibility.