Socialism Technocracies and Scientific Elites

September 2024 Forums General discussion Socialism Technocracies and Scientific Elites

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    I have started this thread in an attempt to answer my own question posed on the ‘science for communists’ thread and also because my own experience and discussion on the aforementioned  thread has  sown doubts in my mind.

    Vin wrote:

    If socialism/communism as defined by the Socialist Party were to be established, in what way would an elite gain an advantage and what would that advantage be? How would an 'elite' gain anything.

    Will there be groups with conflicting economic interests in 'democratic communism'?

    At the moment it is difficult for a   technical or scientific expert to hold an organisation to ransom. He/she could be sacked and lose income and mortgage. Capital is in control. What about when Capital control is removed? What would prevent an essential expert – albeit democratically appointed – from manipulating, controlling and bullying individuals and deciding what is allowed and what is not allowed. After all they  cannot be ‘sacked’ and even if they were they would lose nothing; no fear of unemployment eviction etc. The ‘democracy’ must do his/her bidding like minions – "a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one". Go against him/her and they walk.

    Then we have the possibility of technocrats and scientists joining together to manipulate who is allowed to do and say what?

    ‘Democracy’ is under the thumb of ‘experts’. Democracy is permanently blackmailed. Your vote is determined by a bully or group of bullies because you can’t do without them.

    Food for thought.



    Vin, I'd just like to say that I think you are posing some very important questions, about the nature of 'democracy', 'science' and 'experts'.I know you won't thank me for any contribution I make, so I'll leave this thread alone; but I can't avoid saying that I consider your questions to be vitally important for workers, aiming to build for socialism.


    Lbird. I appreciated you not raising the issue of which scientific method we should use to determine 'truth' as it may go off topic a bit.  

    Vin wrote:
    Lbird. I appreciated you not raising the issue of which scientific method we should use to determine 'truth' as it may go off topic a bit.  

    No problems! Have a happy thread!


    LBird, I know we have our differences but your theory certainly rings bells with my practice. So why shouldn't elite control continue into socialism? Indeed it is more likely to occur when capital control is removed unless the problem is addressed by the socialist movement.  


    Perhaps an example.In socialism a group of scientists set up a forum but only one scientist is capable of setting it up and running it. He is democratically appointed to the post.He has one or two grudges: perhaps he doesn’t like one of the scientists because he is smarter and may get some praise or award before he does. So he uses his position to prevent the upstart having his ideas heard and humiliating him and making him look bad.The other scientists value their forum more than the odd bullied scientists so they say nothing, indeed they even appoint him the same position year in and year out: they have no alternative.  This of course goes to his head. “I can do anything I want” he thinks. “They can’t do without me” Some of the scientists become his minions to avoid being picked on and perhaps gain from it.He has nothing to fear in a socialist society because he has the same access to wealth as everyone else.What mechanisms can be put in place to prevent technocrats from pursuing grudges or filtering information to suite their own ends


    Bad news I'm afraid Vin.To borrow a common phrase that has even been uttered only a day or two ago. It would be up to the future socialist democratic community to decide. 


    If we can't deal with technocracy in the socialist movement I don't hold out much hope for future society. I can only assume members are only interested in democracy  as means to an end.  If the socialist movement developes a  technocracy then how can we argue that socialism will not have them?Anyway, why aren't you discussing vegetarianism or ecology with everyone else? I have to say the forum – and its characters –  is beginning to resemble the local town of Royston Vasey.   "What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here!"

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