Disability, Right wing politics and Family.

October 2024 Forums General discussion Disability, Right wing politics and Family.

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  • #83421

    I have a problem. My Dad wants to know why I am so depressed and yet he does not understand that the current political atmosphere is driving people like myself to the brink of suicide. I've been told forget what is happening around me and look after myself but how can I when my friends are dropping dead like flys and the only thing I can look forward to is a mundane existance sheltered away in 4 walls.


    This young man named Joshua Davies was forced to jump off a bridge in fear for his life from a group of thugs who wanted to do him harm. I only just found out about this on a disability group on facebook yet this story isn't even being talked about in the mainstream media.

    But what is being said is ARBEIT MACHT FREI 

    I feel like doing just as Jesus Christ commanded and running to the mountians in this time of tribulation because all hell is going to break loose.

    This is the stuff of nightmares. I feel that as soon as I gradutate from Univerisity and get my degree of Computer Science I am going to do a beeline to Scotland and never come back to merry old England.

    Its not just in England though. International Capitalism is driving disabled people to early grave.

    The hatred fueled by the greed from the top forcing everyone to hurt anyone in a lower class than themselves. 

    And what is life worth now to the beholder in such misery as thou face with knees on the ground and eyes upon the mercy of demise.

    I just feel sick. 



    You might find this thread helpful http://libcom.org/forums/general/disability-work-19112014

    steve colborn

    Hey Fuzzy83, I've been a Socialist Party member, on and off, mostly on, since 1981. Played Rugby Union till 38, weight trained till 49. Guys I knew in the local WMC, treat me with, if not understanding, "respect". Now that the fit active bloke I used to be, has been beset by the MS he has had for 30 years they, the same blokes that used to give me, (what I now know to be false respect) seem to take my disability as a sign that they can talk to me, in any way they like.No need to hold back, or so they thought, or think! So now I get what they really thought and think of me, all along. Problem is, I still have my mind and the Socialist consciousness within it. More worrying for them, I still have the confidence and ability, to look after myself, "physically".So I sit, in the local WMC ( Working Mens Club), listen to the piffle and piss, that oh so often passes for thought and converse in this place and realise that it could be worse! I could be a "gulled" and "befuddled" member of the working class, licking my masters?mistresses arse, with not a clue as to the reality of the truth. Then I think, nar, I'd rather be clued up and still fighting and kicking against this fucking crap. And if anyone doesn't believe it, as I always say, "A demonstration can be arranged. Not many takers, funnily enough and all I meant was a Public Speaking Meeting

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