Debate with the Alliance For Workers’ Liberty (Wakefield – 2pm)

September 2024 Forums Comments Debate with the Alliance For Workers’ Liberty (Wakefield – 2pm)

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  • #83374

    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Debate with the Alliance For Workers’ Liberty (Wakefield – 2pm).
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    This doesn't appear to be listed on the AWL websites events page.


    Any report back on this debate? I noticed that an SPGBer had a letter published in this week's Weekly Worker, where they mention the debate.


    It was relatively cordial, and nothing unexpected happened.  There were, I think, five of them in all.  They seemed to take umbrage at the suggestion that workers don't need leaders, and their speaker explained in detail how he'd led a teacher's dispute over transfer payments (indeed, one of their members, in response to my comment that it wasn't lack of confidence holding back workers, but unemployment chirped up 'What even teachers' unaware, it seems of the massive glut of graduate skicking around who'd have the teachers jobs if they pushed their wages too high).  The debate therefore inevitably moved on to the minders's strike (I was aware that they define the current political epoch by the defeat of the miners strike) In his summation, their speaker made the extraordinary claim that with sufficiently determined fight back in the 70's, the British steel industry could have been saved and the glut of unemployment prevented.  To the extent that a sufficient fight back to abolish capitalism outright could have happened, he's right, but only that far.

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