It seems that Class War have begun their election campaign by making their protest felt and presence known on one local issue…London's gentrification and the housing problem.
I'm sure they didn't gather more participants that we ourselves could if we wanted to stage a demonstration but they do so with a certain panache that we should try to emulate.
A picket of the stock-market by discontented wage-slaves seeking to end their servitude to the capitalist class? Members of the picket in chains and shackles to make the point ….Singing …"Let my People Go"….videoed for our election campaign and publicity release on You Tube…Just one of my proposals for you to toss about…or toss out…(i know you are busy with other aspects of the election…but lets have some actual fun, too ! )
Or would we be mistaken for the audience of 50 Shades of Grey movie?