Material World: China’s Wild West

October 2024 Forums Comments Material World: China’s Wild West

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    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Material World: China’s Wild West .
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    An updated overview of what has been happening to the Uighur from IPS.


    More news of how China is endeavouring to suppress its Uighur population.


    While trying to boost its birthrate, China tries to reduce the Uyghur future population.

    Chinese birth control policies could cut between 2.6 to 4.5 million births of the Uyghur and other ethnic minorities in southern Xinjiang within 20 years, up to a third of the region’s projected minority population.

    The only caveat is the researcher’s affiliation to the political bias ‘Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’


    Can’t you recognise a piece of Cold War propaganda when you see one !


    I think this sort of stuff used to be called the Yellow Peril. What’s it doing on our site?


    I mentioned being cautious about the source. This Adrian Zenz appears to be the author of numerous damning reports on the Chinese Uyghur policy and does appear to possess his individual agenda being a born-again Christian but his research is judged to be reliable. So I don’t so readily dismiss it.

    Sometimes propaganda happens to be based on real events.

    You don’t doubt that regardless of the media manipulation from anti-China think-tanks, China has restricted and repressed pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong.

    While we can recognise that political propaganda takes place, it doesn’t mean that the Uyghur people are not being persecuted using social engineering and it is a game-plan the Chinese have used decades before, purposefully re-locating ethnic Han Chinese into Tibet to change the demographics of the region.

    Wherever and whenever fellow workers are oppressed, it is the concern of this website to draw attention to it, perhaps it is racial or religious or language or custom, we can discern that ultimately it is all about economic domination by a ruling class.


    Zenz is a notorious religious fanatic and sinophobe. As to the Victims of Communism Memorial here’s their latest stunt (referenced from Wikipedia on them).

    “In April 2020, the organization announced they would be adding the global victims of the COVID-19 pandemic to their death toll of Communism, blaming the Chinese government for the outbreak and every death caused by it”.

    We should not be touching these people with a barge pole.

    Here’s what the Chinese authorities think of Zenz.


    But regardless of the ulterior motives of Zenz, is his research and conclusions credible? Or whether we rely upon the Chinese government-controlled CGTN and Global Times for accuracy in its denial claims? Are they more trustworthy sources?

    So far the reports I have read have not questioned the findings of Zenz and as he uses publicly available sources, I’m sure it would be fairly easy to discredit him academically.

    “Zenz’s research was accepted for publication by the Central Asian Survey, a quarterly academic journal, after peer review on June 3. Reuters shared the research and methodology with more than a dozen experts in population analysis, birth prevention policies and international human rights law, who said the analysis and conclusions were sound.”

    Are we now in the field of conspiracy or do we simply acknowledge that there is a propaganda battle being played out and that one side is being deliberately deceptive?

    I concur with YMS in his message

    Chinese Tensions

    “It’s clear that meaningfully PRC is committing democide/genocide.”

    He links to this study


    I am not denying that something funny is going on in Sinkiang and that the Chinese government is giving the Uighers there a hard time. That was not my point. It was that we should not use material supplied by a rabid anti-Communust and fundamentalist Christian (raptures and all) like Zerz. It grants him credibility and it tarnishes our reputation.

    I don’t agree with YMS’s statement and will explain why on that thread (because of the misuse of the word “genocide”).


    What grants him credibility is the accuracy of his research and I have seen little proof that he is mistaken in his conclusions that there is indeed a Chinese government policy to reduce the proportion of the Uyghur population in Xianyang.

    And it is not racist nor a “yellow peril” trope to accuse the Chinese government of doing so even if some other political or religious currents may seek to take advantage of the situation for their own reasons.

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