WSP(India) EC Minutes of August 2014

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement WSP(India) EC Minutes of August 2014

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    257 Baghajatin ‘E’ Block (East), Kolkata – 700086

    Tel: 2425-0208 / 7378 (ISD: 091, STD: 033)

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    Head Office, Sunday, July 6, 2014: Called to order: 6:15 PM


    Present (Members): Dipak Bhattacharya, Binay Sarkar, Pradip Singha, Harisadhan Ghosh, Sumitra Mondal

    Absent: Biswarup Chaudhury (work)

    Attendees: Gorachand Paramanik, Raghunarayan Chaudhury, Dipankar Roy

    Election: Chairperson: Harisadhan Ghosh; Minutes Writer: Dipak Bhattacharya

    EC Minutes No. 141 was read and confirmed on motion of Binay Sarkar and Pradip Singha.

    Membership Application: Cde. Gorachand Paramanik’s membership question is under consideration.

    Correspondence: Please note that any comments in square brackets “[]” are comments from the General Secretary.


    • Email from Cde. K. Mulenga (15/07/2014) in reply to the WSPI correspondences stating that he has noted the WSPI’s concern. [Received with thanks]

    • A letter from Paramjeet Singh, Lawyer, Supreme Court of India, introducing his “Socialist Center”.[His list is merely an account of some topsy-turvy self-defeating reformist demands].

    Outbound: Responses as required to incoming correspondence.

    MSC: To receive and file incoming and to endorse outgoing correspondence.

    Matters Arising:

    As regards the procedure of Cde. Goracand’s membership transfer from the SPGB to the WSPI, he has to apply to the General Secretary of the WSPI as per the party Rule No. 5 which reads:

    A member of a Companion Party becoming a resident in India may write to the nearest Branch or to the EC for transfer of his/her membership to the WSP (I); THE Secretary concerned shall contact the Companion Party and arrange transfer.”

    Note: Cde. Gorachand has forwarded to the WSPI his correspondence with Cde. Oliver Bond, the SPGB General Secretary and reported that the SPGB has already taken up the matter for necessary clearance from their end.

    MSC: That the WSP(I) EC has to wait for the decision of the SPGB in this regard.

    Reports of Executives and Committees:

    Advancement of the Movement:

    The party website: is attracting public interest Sibin Haridas from Kerala has filled up his contact details in our website ‘CONTACT US’ form and sent to our email address saying, “i am a socialist, i wish to know more about you.” [replied]

    Sunday Discussion: Regular capital study, reading and discussion on selected topics are going on.

    Literature: Party literature distribution is going on

    Unfinished Business: None

    New Business: AUTUMN SCHOOL & MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2014 will be held at our at HO on 11 & 12 October, 2014

    MSC: Report accepted.

    Financial Report: Cde. Oliver Bond’s suggestion has been accepted. However, in keeping with our principled openness the Party will continue sending Financial Report to the Companion Parties as usual. However, Cde. Bond may edit this part of our minutes as necessary for publication in “spopen” and “spintcom”.

    [Bank Account change requires the Party’s PAN number. It is being processed.]

    Collection of Dues:

    Financial Report: July 2014: (Rupees)

    Income: 1,545.00

    Expenditure: 3,862.00

    Deficit: 2,317.00

    Deficit BF: 11,476.00*

    Net Deficit: 13,793.00

    *Party Treasurer’s Report: Expenditure of Rs. 4,800.00 is deducted from the previous deficit balance for account adjustment. Therefore the reduced balance stands at Rs. 11,476.00 only.

    SBI S/B A/C: as on 30 June 2012: (the account remained inactive since): 2,607.34

    Membership Subscription & Donation:

    B. Sarkar: 1,385.00

    S. Mondal: 10.00

    P. Singha: 150.00

    MSC: To accept the financial report and to receive donations with thanks.

    Next EC Meeting: Head Office, Sunday, September 7, 2014, 5:00 PM.

    Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 PM.


    It is good to see that the Socialist Party is spreading its ideas to others countries. Too bad that the group from  Jamaica does not longer exist, it could have been a good starter for Latin America and the Caribbean 

    norm_burns wrote:

    Not a problem.  Just a couple of letters transposed:-   http://www.worldsocialistpartyindia.orgSomebody should tell them though as this is not the first time this mistake's been made.


    Looks like they've picked up on it, as the mistake has been corrected above . Although, that's not necessarily true, is it? When i made my post, i thought i was telling them – but i was only telling anyone reading the post, here, i now realise!

    norm_burns wrote:
    Looks like they've picked up on it, as the mistake has been corrected above . Although, that's not necessarily true, is it? When i made my post, i thought i was telling them – but i was only telling anyone reading the post, here, i now realise!

    The mistake was corrected by us but they've now been informed anyway.

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