Cartoon: Free Lunch

September 2024 Forums Comments Cartoon: Free Lunch

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  • #104493

    Are political  cartoons supposed to be funny? Because…they never are.


    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Cartoon: Free Lunch.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    hear hear.I like Steve Bell's though.


    i like it.Not belly aching laugh material but insightful enough to make some thinkI look forward to seeing the compilation book. 


    Here's the good news (extract from SPGB August EC Minutes):

    Following on from the proposal he made to the November 2013 EC to have a
    collection of his Free Lunch Cartoons published, Cde P Rigg wrote on the
    22nd July and 26th July, informing the Party that he has arranged for the
    publication of 750 copies of the new Free Cartoon Collection booklets. He
    will send 100 copies to Head Office, and Party will be able to advertise
    and sell them like any other Party literature and keep the proceeds. The
    first batch will be posted in September 2014. He will arrange to sell the
    remainder copies privately. He also suggested a price of £5.00 per copy.
    He sent two copies to Head Office, which were shown to EC members. The EC
    agreed the following –
    – a price of £5.00 plus postage and packing per copy
    – add to the list of Party publications in the Socialist Standard and the
    – to thank Cde P Rigg for allocating 100 copies of a well produced booklet
    to the Socialist Party.

    So, available from 52 Clapham High St, London SW4 7UN from next month for £5 + postage (£2.50 from UK).

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